Another Newbie


Forum Ride Along
Whats up, Everyone!!

Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Deion and I've been interested in the EMS for quite some time now. My mom used to be a security guard in the ER at our local hospital, so growing up, I was in there alot. I remember watching paramedics bringing patients in the ER and thinking that would be a cool job. I would sometimes overhear my mom decribing what she had seen and some of the stories her paramedic friends told her (sometimes gruesome) to my dad after a long shift. After the initial shock of hearing these things over a period of time it became very interested. So, I planned on going to college for it right after I graduated but was discouraged becasue of the amount of money I could make in another field versus what I would make as a paramedic (young and dumb), So I decided to major in Computer Programming. I'm now working at Embarq (formally known as Sprint if you heard the latest news) and bored to death sitting in a cubicle all day.

This past spring, I discovered that I'm allergic to milk and had a very bad reaction to it (passed out in the restroom due to dehydration) and the paramedics were called to take me to the hospital. Needless to say, at 26 yrs old, that sparked my interest again. Recently, I've been doing alot of research on it, and talked with a few people in the field and my interest has really grown. I don't think I've ever been this excited about a job. So, we have a EMT school in town that being organized by and EMT-P from a local ambulance service and I'm on schedule to do a ride-along with this service next thursday. Just want to make sure that this is what I want to do, but I think my mind is already made up. Training for the EMT-B certification begins this September and will end in January. I plan attending this if everything goes well on the ride-along.

I ran into this site by accident while researching and I've been peeking around here for a little while and just decided to introduce myself. Are there any books or tv shows that you would avise me to check out or stay away from? I've been watching Paramedics on the discovery health channel and its been a very good show so far. I look forward to getting to know you guys.

Sorry for the long intro but I'm just excited to be doing something that I've been interested in since childhood.

smart kid

Forum Probie
Nice to meet you.

I just finished my class, actually I just took the state exam in Massachusetts today and got my ticket.

The class I took was awsome. I was lucky enough to have great instructors who prepeared me very well for the exams. As far as class goes, all I can say is that you get what you put into it. If you can put the time into it for studying and such, I'm sure you'll do great. The class I was in started with I think it was 24 or so. In the end only 15 or 16 remained to test out.

Good luck with you new lifestyle.


Forum Lieutenant
I'm also a new Basic; took my Wisconsin test in June and am still waiting to receive my license. (YAY RED TAPE!) -grumpy- But that sounds like quite the experience you had, Deion!

My interest was first sparked when I was little. My mom was a basic and I saw a picture of her in firefighter turnout gear and she told me she was doing some extrication day (a million years ago!) and I decided that I wanted to do that. So right after high school I applied at a tech college here at my dad's house, got accepted, and here I sit! I'm going to try and go for paramedic in January, if I'm accepted.

Welcome to the forum, too, by the way!


Forum Probie
ANOTHER Newbie!! :)

Hey Everyone,
Since I guess everyone is sharing Newbie stories, here goes: I'm a newly Certed EMT-B in Texas going to start for AMR (yes, I've heard ALL sorts of things, good and bad about AMR, but they'll pay for Medic school where no one else will, so..........) My personal EMS intervention came from a bad auto accident I had on Aug 9th, 1997. Long story short, I decided to drive from El Paso to Dallas on about 30 min sleep, fell asleep in Sierra Blanca (bout 4 hrs east of El Paso, lots of mountains, not much else). I fell asleep at 80 mph, and used a guard rail as a ski ramp. Quite frankly, I figured on getting at least an 8 or a 9 from the judges, but alas... I managed to pull myself out of the wreckage and climbed up the embankment. Two truckers stopped, sat on my chest to keep me restrained(Broke about 4 ribs). EMS showed up 15 min later and started on the 4 hr ride back to El Paso where the only Level 1 hosp was located. About the only conversation I remember was talking to the Medics about the size of the engine in the truck. The medics kept in touch with me while I was in the Hospital, and it was really touching. I decided to become a medic, but never could A) make the time, and B) Come up with the $$$. So I've been volling for Parkland and Baylor hospitals for the past 2 yrs. I've had some fun, got to learn how hard it is for County and City govnts to make healthcare semi affordable (or as close as it can be). My wife looked at me last year and told me that if I didn't find a way to go to school, she'd throw me into the path of the next ambulance I swung my head towards.....So, here I am, a newbie, but not feeling like it. I've been on about 100 different ride outs with Dallas Fire Rescue and Denton Fire Dept. (it's nice to see the same people while you're candystriping and beg for them to take pity on you :) I'm ready to do this for Ricky Rescue....just general excitment and jitters......


Forum Probie
hey welcome to the forum. i was thinking about computers before becoming an emt too, but through my firefigting exp i becam an emt-basic. and here soon am leavin goin into the navy as a medical corpsmen


Site Administrator
Community Leader
Welcome to all of our new members here. It's great to hear that stories of your rescues caused you to be interested working EMS. Remember that when you're treating some of your patients. One of them may be rescuing you or one of your family members some day.


Forum Ride Along
Thank all for sharing your stories. I really can't wait to get started. I'm hoping that while I'm going for my ride alongs I can get a head start on bidding for entry level positions before I start the class. Wish I would have started going this direction a long time ago instead of wasting my time in a job I didn't really enjoy. I've been reading alot on this site and will continue to visit here because there is a lot of usefull information on here. :)


Community Leader
Welcome all to EMTlife, where we put the Fun in Dysfunction!


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader

It seems as though many of us had a moment or moments in our lives that moved us towards EMS. It seems like you have quite a few!

Welcome to the EMTLife community!


Forum Ride Along
MMiz said:

It seems as though many of us had a moment or moments in our lives that moved us towards EMS. It seems like you have quite a few!

Welcome to the EMTLife community!

Yeah, and I got tired of ignoring those signs. I'm finally scheduled to do a ride-along this saturday. I'll let you guys know how it goes. Thanks again for all of the welcomes. You guys have a great board going here. ;)


Forum Probie
WOW and I wanted to be an architect. My FIL was a Fire Capt and the wife said you should try for the dept. SO I did. Missed out on the alarm room test by one slot and was asked to sign up for medic class. Looking at potential layoffs in those days I thought a medic would be easier to get a job than a newbie FF.

What I found out was I was looking for this job all my life and didn't know it. The best advice I ever gave my kids was:
Do what you love, the money will follow. It don't work so good the other way around.


Forum Ride Along
Finished my first ride-along this past saturday (well, sort of). At the last min. The paramedic I've been speaking to (which is the instructor for the class) told me that I wouldn't be able to ride-along with them because of insurance issues. I would have to become a student first.:sad: Which I understand but it was still frustrating. So, I still went to the station and asked every question that I could think of (I hope I wasn't killin him with the questions^_^ ).

After about 3 hrs of talking with this guy, he suddenly gets a call (he didn't have his radio on him, so I didn't get to hear what the code was). His partner yells for him and just says "Hey we gotta go!" So, I start following him and we get to the ambulance and he tell me to hop in :unsure:. I ask, "Are you sure its cool?". He says "yeah, go ahead just stay in the back." So, I got my ride along afterall.:) It was an elderly lady (68 yrs old) who was doing alittle too much around the house and appeared to have broken her leg. So, it wasn't anything too dramatic. But still a little bit of an adrendaline rush for the first time being rushed in to the ambulance and having to hang on to the ceiling rail for dear life as the driver took some hard corners at high speed. I'm hooked!! I already put my deposit down to start classes in Sept. So, it looks like you guys will be seing alot more of me.

Wish me luck