Another new guy


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Hello. I'm Chris, 23 from a small hickass town in northern Pennsylvania. Where cows out number people. :P
I've been an EMT for just about seven years, most of the time as a volunteer. However, it is a busy service, at least from our POV, running a little over 600 EMS and 150 Fire/Rescue per year. I serve as an assistant EMS Captain & Membership Secretary. Someday, I'd like to acheive an EMT-PHRN cert.

My dept operates with two BLS rigs, a rescue-pumper, a tanker-pumper, two engines, one quint w/ 75' stick and an antique pumper as shown in my profile.

I'm a WWII buff, acting as a field research leader for the WWII Memorial Foundation. I'm also into photography, simply as a hobby, take lots of scenery photos, weather, etc. That's what is great about living in the mountains, I never run out of things to photograph.

I found this site via a weblink on one of the Fire/EMS web forums that I host.
I'm a big blogger, I can spend an hour or more writting down the happenings of my day, when I'm not busy, and I have a history of speaking my mind.

Well, that's who I am.. and I hope to visit often.
Welcome to our own little corner of dysfunction.
Welcome, glad to have you around. :D
:) :) :) Welcome!! :) :) :)

Glad to have ya Chris, hope you enjoy it around here as much as we do.
Welcome welcome!

I understand about ruralness. I don't know how many EMS calls we ran, but my fire first due ran 60 calls last year. Hard to keep the skills honed with that few.

Glad to have you!
Wingnut said:
:) :) :) Welcome!! :) :) :)

Glad to have ya Chris, hope you enjoy it around here as much as we do.



1. Don't feed Jon
2. I forgot

I see you followed the link I left on your website.
That would be in the affirmative. ^_^
Welcome...sorry I missed this...

Glad your here.
Welcome to EMTlife, Chris. We put the Fun in Dysfunction.

I'm Jon. I' from Southeastern PA (Chester County). We have a bunch of folks around from PA.

Anyway... Welcome, and I'll look you up on MySpace this weekend.
"Howdy" from Texas.:P :)