ok popped into my head this evening after running a 3 lead on a mid 30's male patient with a nsr. bit of vibration and movement distorted the waves for a few seconds which got me thinking about other scenarios.
may seem totally unrealted but its what got my brain thinking all night.
if running a 3 or 12 lead on a pregnent woman, would the babies heart beat throw off the rythm on screen? id imagine so but ive yet to run an ecg on a pregnent woman yet.
thanks, emt irl.
edit** just to add lets say were talking 5-9 months in so baby would be well developed with its own thumping heart beat
may seem totally unrealted but its what got my brain thinking all night.
if running a 3 or 12 lead on a pregnent woman, would the babies heart beat throw off the rythm on screen? id imagine so but ive yet to run an ecg on a pregnent woman yet.
thanks, emt irl.
edit** just to add lets say were talking 5-9 months in so baby would be well developed with its own thumping heart beat
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