another ecg question from me


Forum Captain
ok popped into my head this evening after running a 3 lead on a mid 30's male patient with a nsr. bit of vibration and movement distorted the waves for a few seconds which got me thinking about other scenarios.

may seem totally unrealted but its what got my brain thinking all night.
if running a 3 or 12 lead on a pregnent woman, would the babies heart beat throw off the rythm on screen? id imagine so but ive yet to run an ecg on a pregnent woman yet.

thanks, emt irl.

edit** just to add lets say were talking 5-9 months in so baby would be well developed with its own thumping heart beat
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That is a really good question for the 12 lead, I have never seen a 3 affected.

Maybe somebody could put it to the test?
we may be onto something here, anyone want to lend us a 8 month pregnent lady here? haha

id really love to know
I have never seen it affect the 12-lead and I did a few on pregnant females.

I'd like to think that since the precordial leads are much closer to the mothers heart than the baby's, that you wouldnt notice the baby at all.
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Of course it will throw off the heart beat, its still being discussed on how to treat. They have started keeping the leads close to the mothers heart and actually putting a lead or to in the back of the mother.
Of course it will throw off the heart beat, its still being discussed on how to treat. They have started keeping the leads close to the mothers heart and actually putting a lead or to in the back of the mother.

In the back??? Or on... :)