An open invitation to anyone: An outline of Cardiac A&P


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Welcome, this is a request for focus group participants. This is also a disclaimer as well.

If you are reading this, I am offering a gift to you for free.

It is: a .pdf outline of the anatomy and physiology of the heart.

The catch is: If you download the file, you must provide me an open-minded opinion of what you think. I don't care what that opinion is, and it must include:

- at LEAST one negative thing

- at LEAST one question

You may reply here. You may send me a private message.
I'm sure you can improvise an anonymous way if you'd like.

Thank you.
Unfortunately, it is 69 KB which exceeds the limit here. I will contact the admin and request approval to post it.
PM sent. B)
Arrangements are being negotiated ;)

Thanks ffemt8978
Thanks to those already participating!

You have 3 options to get me your opinion:
- Public reply to this thread.
- Private message to RedZone on EMTLife.
- E-mail: heartfocus (which is at) reviewems (period) com.

If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, there are plenty of sites out there where you may create an anonymous e-mail address to send mail from.

thanks for posting this, was a good A&P review!
Really like how you worded it; remaining scientific, while making it easy to understand. The only criticism I can provide is that there is a typo on page 3 ("semilunar valvles"). Also, perhaps inserting the animations into the document instead of linking to them would make it easier to follow (if this is possible). The diagrams used in here are very well selected (though maybe even more diagrams would improve this even more).
Anyways, thats just my $0.02 CDN on this :P
Can't wait to see the continuation of the guide!
Thanks for your input! I really do want to continue this guide! Sure enough, the excitement of life has been really taking a toll on my free time. Hopefully soon I can budget some to this project again!