An easy scenario.
You are called to the local college dorm for a 18 year old “sick female.” At 0130 hours.
You arrive on scene and are escorted to the room of the victim by one of the RAs and campus EMS providers. (an EMT-B prenursing student) You find the victim in the shower soaking wet with all of her cloths on. The water was shut off by her roommate who also called 911. Campus police are also on scene and the scene is safe. The room looks like the average college dorm room where one person looks like they have OCD and the other a master’s of organized chaos.
Your patient:
18 year old female, alert and oriented to person, and event with a strong smell of ETOH on breath. States: “I drank way too much.” GCS: 3,4,6 (13) vomited an unknown amount of times, remnants still in her hair, in/on toilet, on floor. Patient occasionally wretches as she talks to you. When asked how much she drank, tells you lots of beer and “stronger stuff” starting after last class at 3pm. Also states she felt bad after throwing up with substernal chest pain and bad taste in her mouth so she decided to take a shower, but couldn’t get her cloths off.
Vital signs:
GCS 3,4,6 (13)
HR: 99
BP: 112/67
RR: 16 shallow, breath sounds slightly diminished in left base.
Sp02: 100% on 4LNC (applied by campus EMS by protocol)
Temp: 36.5C
5’5” height
Weight: 54KG
Physical exam:
HEENT: Head is symmetrical without signs of trauma, ears are clear, hair is wet with some vomit. Airway is clear, patient can hear out of both ears, pupils are equal and reactive 4mm-2mm, pt. states her vision is a bit blurry and the lights are too bright and making her head hurt. No discharges from her ears or nose, teeth are well taken care of and mucous membranes are dry with no signs of infection. Patient has trace amounts of fresh blood in sputum when dry heaving. Central pulses are regular and strong. No JVD, no tracheal deviation upon examination.
Thorax: No signs of trauma, equal chest rise and fall, breath sounds slightly diminished in left base. Pain is described as substernal and worsened by rubbing it. (2:10) no other significant findings. Heart sounds are normal.
Abdomen: is soft with some tenderness to palpation in the mid region similar to the substernal pain but lesser. There appears to be some mild guarding in the upper ABD on palpation. Liver and spleen palpable within normal margins.
Urogenital: No abnormalities to report, pt states she is on her period with her normal discharge.
Extremities: Femoral and all distal pulses are present, patient reports a little bit of numbness in her distal extremities and coordination is difficult. Cap refill is normal at +2.
No known allergies
Meds: Takes PO birth control regularly, NSAIDS as needed for menstrual pain or occasional headaches.
PMHX: Previously healthy, born at term, all immunizations current, no hospitalizations, or extended illnesses. P0 G0 M0 A0. First menstruation at 13, regular since 15 when started on birth control. Was given a clean bill of health by US consulate physician prior to receiving her student visa this August.
Social history: Drinks socially, occasionally in excess, like after major exams, does not smoke, doesn’t use street or prescription drugs other than BC. (per patient)Regularly eats healthy and exercises 5 days a week and is part of the campus rowing team.
History of present illness: Started drinking after exam ~3PM with friends, at about 9 was inebriated enough that friends helped her get home and put her in bed. Pt. Remembers waking up in dark room, still fully dressed and feeling sick. Crawled to bathroom where she vomited several times and felt like she had to vomit some more but couldn’t. Tried to take a shower, but couldn’t get her cloths off so just sat under the water. Roomate returned home and found her under comfortable temperature water and thought she looked really sick. Feared she may have alcohol poisoning and called 911.
Other: Patient tells you her parents live in another country and do not speak English. The girl consents to be treated and transported. She shows you the number in her cell phone to her parents 01137109281128
So what’s wrong with her?
What do you suspect and why?
How do you know?
Is it life threatening?
What are you planning to do for her?
Where are you taking her?
Any other info you require?
You are called to the local college dorm for a 18 year old “sick female.” At 0130 hours.
You arrive on scene and are escorted to the room of the victim by one of the RAs and campus EMS providers. (an EMT-B prenursing student) You find the victim in the shower soaking wet with all of her cloths on. The water was shut off by her roommate who also called 911. Campus police are also on scene and the scene is safe. The room looks like the average college dorm room where one person looks like they have OCD and the other a master’s of organized chaos.
Your patient:
18 year old female, alert and oriented to person, and event with a strong smell of ETOH on breath. States: “I drank way too much.” GCS: 3,4,6 (13) vomited an unknown amount of times, remnants still in her hair, in/on toilet, on floor. Patient occasionally wretches as she talks to you. When asked how much she drank, tells you lots of beer and “stronger stuff” starting after last class at 3pm. Also states she felt bad after throwing up with substernal chest pain and bad taste in her mouth so she decided to take a shower, but couldn’t get her cloths off.
Vital signs:
GCS 3,4,6 (13)
HR: 99
BP: 112/67
RR: 16 shallow, breath sounds slightly diminished in left base.
Sp02: 100% on 4LNC (applied by campus EMS by protocol)
Temp: 36.5C
5’5” height
Weight: 54KG
Physical exam:
HEENT: Head is symmetrical without signs of trauma, ears are clear, hair is wet with some vomit. Airway is clear, patient can hear out of both ears, pupils are equal and reactive 4mm-2mm, pt. states her vision is a bit blurry and the lights are too bright and making her head hurt. No discharges from her ears or nose, teeth are well taken care of and mucous membranes are dry with no signs of infection. Patient has trace amounts of fresh blood in sputum when dry heaving. Central pulses are regular and strong. No JVD, no tracheal deviation upon examination.
Thorax: No signs of trauma, equal chest rise and fall, breath sounds slightly diminished in left base. Pain is described as substernal and worsened by rubbing it. (2:10) no other significant findings. Heart sounds are normal.
Abdomen: is soft with some tenderness to palpation in the mid region similar to the substernal pain but lesser. There appears to be some mild guarding in the upper ABD on palpation. Liver and spleen palpable within normal margins.
Urogenital: No abnormalities to report, pt states she is on her period with her normal discharge.
Extremities: Femoral and all distal pulses are present, patient reports a little bit of numbness in her distal extremities and coordination is difficult. Cap refill is normal at +2.
No known allergies
Meds: Takes PO birth control regularly, NSAIDS as needed for menstrual pain or occasional headaches.
PMHX: Previously healthy, born at term, all immunizations current, no hospitalizations, or extended illnesses. P0 G0 M0 A0. First menstruation at 13, regular since 15 when started on birth control. Was given a clean bill of health by US consulate physician prior to receiving her student visa this August.
Social history: Drinks socially, occasionally in excess, like after major exams, does not smoke, doesn’t use street or prescription drugs other than BC. (per patient)Regularly eats healthy and exercises 5 days a week and is part of the campus rowing team.
History of present illness: Started drinking after exam ~3PM with friends, at about 9 was inebriated enough that friends helped her get home and put her in bed. Pt. Remembers waking up in dark room, still fully dressed and feeling sick. Crawled to bathroom where she vomited several times and felt like she had to vomit some more but couldn’t. Tried to take a shower, but couldn’t get her cloths off so just sat under the water. Roomate returned home and found her under comfortable temperature water and thought she looked really sick. Feared she may have alcohol poisoning and called 911.
Other: Patient tells you her parents live in another country and do not speak English. The girl consents to be treated and transported. She shows you the number in her cell phone to her parents 01137109281128
So what’s wrong with her?
What do you suspect and why?
How do you know?
Is it life threatening?
What are you planning to do for her?
Where are you taking her?
Any other info you require?