AMR Academy


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Hi all,

Has anybody here done an AMR Academy in California? What type of content is covered and is there anything I should do to prepare?

A few of the guys I worked with have done this academy when they were getting into EMS. They said it all depended on how much effort you put into it.
I just finished mine. Are you talking about the orientation?
Now when you are saying EMS accademy i am assuming that you are talking about NCTI-- National College of Technical Instruction... I did my EMT-B Cert there.

PROS: The teachers are amazing you are really getting some good instruction and you are getting some pretty good equipment.

CONS: You are payiong a hell of a lot for school. The cost for the EMT-B class is: $1050, and the cost for Paramedic Academy is: roughly $10,000 after all is said and done...

Now this is your choice if you are willing to shell out that much money for paramedic school then by all means go for it but be ready for alot of studying because alot of what they do is self taught.

This is just my two cents I really enjoyed my EMT-B class...
I am referring to the 2 week new hire orientation, they call it the academy.
kecpercussion, how was it?
Ahh yeah I just finished that about a month ago I am in FTO training right now... The orientation is a little dry and it is basically stuff that you learned in EMT school. When you get done with it though you will learn how AMR wants it done. During that time you will also do EVOC my best suggestion to you for that is study for the test you will have a 70 question written test the day of the track, noone from my class failed it but just know the differences between AMR policy and state policy and tread depth of tired and depth needed to hydroplane as well as the characteristics of the type 2 vehicle just pay attention and have fun.
In my experience, knight, depends on the division of AMR... For me and my money hungry division, the 4.5 day academy was simple:

4 hours of orientation to the division
16 hours of EVOC
16 hours of proper billing procedures...

Preparing for it? Got a BA in accounting?
In my experience, knight, depends on the division of AMR... For me and my money hungry division, the 4.5 day academy was simple:

4 hours of orientation to the division
16 hours of EVOC
16 hours of proper billing procedures...

Preparing for it? Got a BA in accounting?

LOL Love it
Yea so far the orientation process is super dry and boring. Just don't fall asleep during EVOC! Surprisingly there is a lot of info. But you don't have to prepare really just look good and listen :)
Thanks guys for all the info I appreciate it...Mine will be in a month or so!