Ambulance operator.


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so i have testing with the FD in a week for the ambulance operator posistion which is basically running a BLS medic engine for the FD. same as any other emt ambulance job but its with the FD which is awesome BUTTT. does anyone know whats gonna be on the test? is it gonna be your ordinary emt test or is it gonna be a equal to a fire fighters written, HELP!!!!:wacko:
Could you maybe give us a hint as to where in the world you are?

And maybe lower the amplitude on the font just a wee bit?
"BLS Medic Engine" ??? Oxymoron, no?
does anyone know whats gonna be on the test? is it gonna be your ordinary emt test or is it gonna be a equal to a fire fighters written, HELP!!!!:wacko:

I'm with EMSLaw. Unless we can find somebody who has taken the same test as you are about to take . . . how would anyone know whats going to be on the test.

I'm certainly not familiar with all, most or even a lot of the systems out there, but I'm not familiar with any FD that has an 'ambulance operator' riding an engine. If one rides a BLS engine in every part of the country that I've been to then they are firefighters as well as holding some version of an EMS cert.

So my guess is that you are going to take a FD test. That said, there are whole bunch of FD tests that don't have any firefighting questions on them, they are about testing mechanical aptitude, problem solving skills, reading comprehension, math and general pysch traits.

Good luck.
Does your prospective agency have a website that lists the particulars about the position? A link to that would be helpful, or at least the name and location of the department. I would imagine that if the prerequisites limit candidates to EMTs, then your medical training would be assumed (I know, I I agree with Crep; figure on a scenario based test that will try to determine your decision-making skill, as well as ability to prioritize those decisions. Best of luck, and +1 to turning down the volume a bit the next time you post, please.
Font size needs to go from "here" to "here" :glare: we're not blind.... well maybe some of us are. :P but still... lower it or people will think your yelling

and yes... please specify the exam your thinking about taking and clarify the oxymoron
So what part of that advertisement indicated you were on an engine or a firefighter?
a fire fighter? nothing in that did. but since it is under the fire department i just wanted to know if anyone else had taken it, what it was like and if it was a normal emt test, or more in depth thats all.

and by medic engine i ment an ambulance. i did not mean a fire engine staffed by a medic. sorry 4 the confusion. as far as the oxymoron goes, they have separated their ambulances into bls and als ambulances to match situations with appropriate resources. instead of the normal pairing of one medic and one emt.
OK, then everything that was posted originally no longer applies, other than it's an EMT slot?
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yes!! i know its not a ff posistion i was just wondering if they would throw anything similar at me since its not for a privatized ambulance company.
yes!! i know its not a ff posistion i was just wondering if they would throw anything similar at me since its not for a privatized ambulance company.

Have you considered calling the department's HR department and asking them if they can provide information about what generalized areas of knowledge will be on the test?
yes, i was told to call back monday. so i figured id get all the help i can... ah well.
Go to there are members there that are in Long Beach Fires AO program and I'm sure they could give you a few pointers. One of their moderators is a Long Beach BC as well as an interview coach. He has been intimately involved with the recruitment process for both the AO and firefighter positions. I know there are several current and former members of Long Beach that also post on the site. The site has a paid side for job announcements but the forums are free,just use your search key,things are a little different on that site and no one is going to offer up test answers or give you short cuts. But you should find enough information to get started.

The position is a great foot in the door for perspective Fire/EMS professionals,you will be working and living right alongside their full time engine and truck crews. You will learn alot about what it means to work as a part of a team and if hired the experience would be amazing. There are a number of LB AO alum that are now with some big city departments and if that's your plan for the future there is no better way to start. You are going to want to learn how to give a good interview,there is plenty of information on firecareers to help with that also.

I am curious about the firefighting portion and will have to check it out. At my old combination department the medic unit was staffed with a paramedic from AMR and an EMT/IV Tech that was a part timer with the fire district. All personnel were required to be fire response ready which meant that on a structure response you could end up on a hose line if needed or you may just do medical stand by.
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I will add a piece of common sense. I assume if the primary responsibility of the position for which you are applying is the safe operation of an ambulance, there may be a driving test involved. Be prepared for a written exam with material from an Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (EVOC), and that certification may be worthwhile.
Standard Civil Service Exam?
so i have testing with the FD in a week for the ambulance operator posistion which is basically running a BLS medic engine for the FD. same as any other emt ambulance job but its with the FD which is awesome BUTTT. does anyone know whats gonna be on the test? is it gonna be your ordinary emt test or is it gonna be a equal to a fire fighters written, HELP!!!!:wacko:

Better hope its not a grammar/english test.