First things first: CALM DOWN. You speak of respect for EMSers and that you are mature. So far there is nothing here to indicate that.
Let's get a couple of things straight. First, I applaud your choice in careers. good luck. But, you are 15 and trying to school profesional adult EMSers on EMS? ha ha. Procedure for OPAs? I could teach my 10 y/o nephew the procedure. I do not care how old you are or what your views are, but when you start that superiority garbage... than I have problems with anyone that wants to be in a thankless job like EMS and already has a "para-god" mindset. But, no, obviously you do not really know how things work. At 15, and being just an observer for a single agency in a certain area... you are not some expert on how things work in the real world of EMS. This is evidenced by your ranting toward EMSers with a combined 1,000 plus years actually working EMS (not observing). If you are going to be in EMS for any length of time, get one thing straight... you know nothing and are insignificate in the grand picture (not you personally, but all of us!)
On topic: Kid, yes some think that we are all just "ambulance drivers". For the record, in some areas they are just ambulance drivers... they only drive. As far as Medics and EMTs being called ambulance drivers... that stems from a lack of education in the public on what we are really all about. Live with it and help educate the public on what EMS is, don't presume to lecture anyone on this subject... especially people on an EMS forum. But, yes, part of what we do is drive. So we are also ambo drivers... but not just ambo drivers. I don't know the various state laws, but in CA you need an additional drivers cert to work on a ambo... because we do drive those shinny trucks... the pts. do not come to us. You, however, being 15 and of the belief that you know a lot about EMS, see the words ambulance and driver in the same sentence and, ignoring all else, ranted about a topic that everyone here is already too familiar with... a topic that had nothing to do with the original post.
Take a step back, kid... and rethink your attitude a little. No one here is (or should be) bashing you for your age alone (we were all there and probably didn't realize that EMS was where we wanted to be)... but your attitude (dripping with superiority and some profound knowledge) and opinions on EMS have no business being spouted by any 15 year old towards adult EMSers with more combined real world experience than you will ever have. And if you don't like the responses here, then really rethink emergency services... too many of these personalites here in EMS/FIRE/LE?etc...