Forum Ride Along
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This is my first post. I am a relatively new EMT-B trying to get a job in either Los Angeles or Orange County. However the last two jobs I got offered ended up not clearing with their insurance policies. I am 20 years old. I have a failure to appear to court and marijuana possession infraction from about a year ago. Plus one accident. My misdemeanor count is still 0 and DMV points against my record is 0. Just those two violations on my record. Is my driving record just so bad for me to get a position as a Driver or do I have to wait 2 months until I turn 21 because my age makes a difference?
Only one job offered me a position as an attendant but the company was horrible so i ended up searching for a new one.
Only one job offered me a position as an attendant but the company was horrible so i ended up searching for a new one.