Ambulance Driver's Insurance


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This is my first post. I am a relatively new EMT-B trying to get a job in either Los Angeles or Orange County. However the last two jobs I got offered ended up not clearing with their insurance policies. I am 20 years old. I have a failure to appear to court and marijuana possession infraction from about a year ago. Plus one accident. My misdemeanor count is still 0 and DMV points against my record is 0. Just those two violations on my record. Is my driving record just so bad for me to get a position as a Driver or do I have to wait 2 months until I turn 21 because my age makes a difference?

Only one job offered me a position as an attendant but the company was horrible so i ended up searching for a new one.
It has been mentioned several times that southern California is overloaded with Basics. Why should they risk hiring someone with a record like yours when there are 20+ applicants with clean records also applying?

My advice would be, if a company is willing to hire you, take it. Gain some experience, gain some trust, then apply elsewhere if you wish.
Yeah that's true there are alot of EMT-Bs but since completing the course 2 months ago I have had many interviews because there are alot of EMT jobs. I'm just curious if my age has anything to do with ambulance drivers insurance policies because that's what I have been hearing but from not reliable sources.
Older you get the cheaper it is for company to insure you. However what is worse for you is your record. You should have taken position with that company just to get your foot in the door and get some experience under your belt. Good luck.
A lot of companies will only hire 21+ (insurance is cheaper). And with your record it will be hard to find someone to hire you. Failure to appear = irresponsible employee to most companies.