Ambulance Driver Certificate Very Confused please Help

The problem is that each state pretty much thinks that they do things better... Florida has a good model for certain things, Texas, Ohio, Oregon, Washington... the list goes on and on. With California, while Title 22 "kind of" sets the tone for EMS here, each county behaves like most States. There has been (for years) some rumblings about going to a single, statewide system that basically does away with local accreditation/certification because there will be ONE set of protocols for the entire state and ONE licensing/certification agency. I'm not holding my breath on this as there are almost as many EMS Agencies as there are Counties... and about the only way to really shove this through would be to (quite literally) change the law, or get all the EMS Agencies to "buy in" to the idea... and that means basically giving up local control of prehospital care regulation.
, or get all the EMS Agencies to "buy in" to the idea... and that means basically giving up local control of prehospital care regulation.

What control except for whether convicted felons are allowed to get certified in their county? For the most part the protocols are exactly as those in the statutes as they exist now. Few county Medical Directors consider the thought of even venturing outside that narrow path. The biggest control issue is from the largest provider which is usually the FD that determines if the private ambulance service can have functioning Paramedics. Discipline and reporting incompetence seem to be ignored in some counties.

Washington State has King County. But, the state also has at least 6 or 7 different state certs all based on "a skill".

Texas only requires approximately 600 hours to be a Paramedic.

Ohio allows EMT-Bs to do ETI if they do 3 successful tries on a manikin.

Never gonna happen haha :P

It could happen. The past 3 years have brought about some changes.
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I appreciate the honest answers from people i really do , and for the other so called "EMTS" I can see your not very professional at what you do and your attitude, Yes I am desperate because I have to be on the Ambulance and my Supervisor asked to get that certificate as soon as i can and I need to get it soon, I also dont expect direct criticism because I am confused on something like this, So im going to fail like the one poster said in medicine because I have gone to the Dmv and they haven't given me a reasonable answer? wow

You should expect severe criticism at the hands of doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists in the emergency department when bringing patients in. I get it all the time, and one time two RTs laughed at me when I could not explain why I was giving 15 liters of oxygen to a patient, other than to say it was "protocol". It is how we all learn and how we all get tough skin.

Also, you are going to thank some of us in a few years when EMS changes around the country and you are ahead of the game because of what you have read and debated here.
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Hi everybody , so I just got hired for this one company of emt and my Ambulance Driving certificate just expired since it was my bday and i got it a year from now, My question is Do i have to retake the ambulance driving certificate test all over again? or do I just pay the fee to renew it? im very confused im in San Diego . Can somebody please help me out? I went to the Dmv and they wanted me to take it all over again but they seemed clueless at what they were telling me even the manager there didn't know what to say, I went to another Dmv here in san diego and they told me that I didnt have to test again, but im very confused because from where I just came they told me I did, so my question is , Do you have to retake it again one year from when you got the ambulance certificate again? thanks appreciate it. or did anybody go through this ?

I think since it's Califorina DMV system it should be the same for the whole state, the rules that is. Have you checked the ambulance driver's manual, I bet there is something there regarding this. If you haven't bought it, it's like 5 dollars. It is a good size manual with good stuff in it. Or ask your employer, I bet they know all about it because there is probley a good amount of employees that were in similar situations. Idk, if that helped, you most likely already tried those. Good Luck.