ALS Bags

It's been years since I stepped foot on an ambulance, so my recollection might be slightly inaccurate. But I'll try:

In the 10 minute bag is everything you would need for the first 10 minutes of a call. a full set of meds, airway equipment, bandages, you name it, and it's likely there (exceptions being equipment for an active shooter, and pediatrics; they have their own bags). oxygen is in it, IV equipment, etc.

the code bag is designed for cardiac arrests. it has more drugs (in quantity), so you only need it during a cardiac arrest, as well as airway equipment, and other things that you typically need on a cardiac arrest. there are also subdividers, so the airway stuff is in a subcontainer, meds are in another, etc.

But honestly, I might be recalling outdated information. If you want some more accurate stuff, email the County EMS PIO. He will gladly tell you everything you want to know, as well as the history behind it.
@DrParasite — the 10-minute bag is an interesting concept. What advantages did you feel it offers over a Trauma/Meds + Airway + Peds set-up?
@CWATT the biggest advantage i found was everything is on hand. Because we don't have many surprise pediatric calls, I liked having a separate Peds bag, so we could take it if it was for a peds call, but leave it in the truck for the majority of calls.

As everyone knows, the more stuff you put in the bag, the heavier it gets, so when you clearly specify you only have enough stuff for the first 10 minutes, it limits what you need to carry. We also have a very reliable first responder system, with competent medical providers, so if they (or in my case, we) get a surprise sick patient, or need CPAP, or some other sick patient, the crews on scene will advise EMS so they can grab additional equipment.

While I do like the modular concept (and airway bag with oxygen and all the airway related stuff, a drug box, a trauma bag, etc), I have bad luck, and would much rather over prepare and not need all my stuff than make patient contact and say oh ****, and need to run back to the truck because my fall victim is no longer breathing. Been there and done that.