Almost one year since I took the course


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Hello all.

It is almost going to be one year since I have taken an EMT-B course.

Although I always intended to take the national registry exam soon after taking the course, I never did! (Life problems, moving, etc)

I am very saddened that I neglected to do so, but I now have time during this summer.

Please take note that I am a 17 year old incoming college freshman, does age matter when taking the registry exam? Do I have to wait until I am 18?

There is also something else I did not do that was required of me for the is something called ICS that has to do with FEMA...If anyone can clarify as to what it is and how to access that, that would help a lot.

I am going to be 18 in october, and I will be eligible to have a job at the Hospital as an ER Tech. Can anyone please let me know if Hospitals hire EMTs without ambulance experience? I am a CNA as well, so I hope that helps. Being an ER Tech would be such an amazing opportunity for me come college. When I did the clinical rotations on the ambulance and ED, I much preferred the ED due to the staff dynamic there.

So right issues are:
-Not taking the EMT-B national registry exam in almost one year (few weeks until one year)

-Not doing ICS

Am I eligible to take the exam at 17? If so, any study tips?
If anyone would please give me advice on the whole ER Tech situation, that would be amazing.



don't stress the ICS thing, pass the EMT exam first.


Individuals applying for the Emergency Medical Technician national certification must meet the following requirements:
  1. 18 years of age or older
  2. Successful completion of a state-approved Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course that meets or exceeds the National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards for the Emergency Medical Technician.
    • Candidates must have completed the course within the past two years and the course Program Director must verify successful course completion on the National Registry website.
  3. Have a current CPR-BLS for "Healthcare Provider" or equivalent credential.
  4. Successful completion of the National Registry cognitive (knowledge) and a state approved psychomotor (skills) exams.
    • Passed portions of each exam (cognitive and psychomotor) remain valid for twelve (12) months.
Thank you for the info :D
Yes you need to be 18 to take the NREMT.

The ICS courses are easy to do and don’t take very long. Usually they courses are the ICS 100, 200, 700, and 800.

Every hospital is different. Some will require experience while others don’t. The main issues with hospitals (at least here in SoCal) is that in order to even get an interview you must know people at that hospital
Yes you need to be 18 to take the NREMT.

The ICS courses are easy to do and don’t take very long. Usually they courses are the ICS 100, 200, 700, and 800.

Every hospital is different. Some will require experience while others don’t. The main issues with hospitals (at least here in SoCal) is that in order to even get an interview you must know people at that hospital

Oh my gosh, yes, the ones required of me were the 100, 200, 700 and 800.

How would I go about taking them? I can't find anything on the FEMA