There is a treatment for VT called overdrive pacing. Perhaps this is what Veneficus is refering to. It was taught in the first ACLS class I attended, then when somebody figured out most monitor/defib combos (you know, what people run the first 20min of a cardiac emergency with) weren't capable of performing it, it got dropped.
The basic idea was that you paced the patient at a rate faster than the rate the ectopic foci to gain control of the myocardium. Once your pacer is in control, you slow the rate down to something a little more acceptable to you and the patient.
Keep in mind most EMS pacers won't pace above the rate of your average VT. Also keep in mind I haven't discussed this more deeply than in passing in about 8 years, have never done or seen it, and have never researched whether it actually works or not because it's never been in my scope and I've always had synchronized cardioversion available if I absolutely needed to convert VT. YMMV, taxes and tags are extra, ect, ect.
Hopefully the OP or at least someone who knows more about overdrive pacing will chime in.