Abuse of the 911 System


Forum Crew Member
you are not aware that "the writer of this crap"

hahahahahahahha, sry, didnt notice. :p

when you're not american the whole americans laying claim to universal values thing is a little...silly ;)


Level 25 EMS Wizard


Forum Lieutenant


Level 25 EMS Wizard
As I agree that this is an issue. and the article mentioned is compelling, I'm sure there is some truth to what is printed. BUT it is from the NY Post. The NY Post is the rag of NY journalism. It is perhaps 1 step above the National Enquirer.

I would like to see a study how how much medicaid does shell out for our frequent flyers.

In HS we were told that the Daily News was at the 6th grade level, and the Times was at a 12th grade level. The post must be at about the 4th grade level or so. No reputable paper would refer to the homeless as "bums".

As far as I know, in NY, medicaid gives a 100% free ride. Numerous times I've been called to an immigrant's home (legal, as far as I know) that have a Benz or Escalade(or two) in the driveway, plasma TV , high end furniture in the house, dressed way better than I could ever afford, and then they hand me their medicaid card. WTF? What am I doing wrong?

Seriously, I do know one thing, a PCP visit is way cheaper than an ER visit, which may involve "defensive medicine" by the attending, as in CT scans and a battery of other tests to CYA. A good start would be aggresive education as to alternatives for ER Tx. Many simply just don't know any better. Not necessarily their fault.


Forum Lieutenant
In HS we were told that the Daily News was at the 6th grade level, and the Times was at a 12th grade level. The post must be at about the 4th grade level or so. No reputable paper would refer to the homeless as "bums".

As far as I know, in NY, medicaid gives a 100% free ride. Numerous times I've been called to an immigrant's home (legal, as far as I know) that have a Benz or Escalade(or two) in the driveway, plasma TV , high end furniture in the house, dressed way better than I could ever afford, and then they hand me their medicaid card. WTF? What am I doing wrong?

Seriously, I do know one thing, a PCP visit is way cheaper than an ER visit, which may involve "defensive medicine" by the attending, as in CT scans and a battery of other tests to CYA. A good start would be aggresive education as to alternatives for ER Tx. Many simply just don't know any better. Not necessarily their fault.

You left out wearing the real fur coat...

BUT, I do agree, NY medicaid pays a small portion of the EMS bill, but the services is not allowed to bill the customer for the difference. example: [this is an example...these are not real numbers by any means...but an example with made up numbers for this example] if a BLS ambulance ride to the hospital is $400 and and ALS ride is $800 then medicaid would $150 for BLS and $200 for ALS...and since the Ambulance company is not allowed to bill the patient for the difference $250 for BLS and $600 for ALS. So that ambulance company must eat that missing money.

This a big reason why Urban EMS is a financial loss.

This is something that needs to be corrected...will you universal care fix it? I don't know...I don't know what will fix it.


Level 25 EMS Wizard
You left out wearing the real fur coat...

BUT, I do agree, NY medicaid pays a small portion of the EMS bill, but the services is not allowed to bill the customer for the difference. example: [this is an example...these are not real numbers by any means...but an example with made up numbers for this example] if a BLS ambulance ride to the hospital is $400 and and ALS ride is $800 then medicaid would $150 for BLS and $200 for ALS...and since the Ambulance company is not allowed to bill the patient for the difference $250 for BLS and $600 for ALS. So that ambulance company must eat that missing money.

This a big reason why Urban EMS is a financial loss.

This is something that needs to be corrected...will you universal care fix it? I don't know...I don't know what will fix it.

The Medicare/Medicaid reform of the mid 2000's caused plenty of problems for hosp based EMS, as well as muni and private providers.

Universal healthcare has the potential to alleviate the problem somewhat by giving 911 abusers(ignorant individuals as to options?) other, less expensive avenues for Tx/txp. If Medicaid would authorize taxi rides (validated by the ER after Tx), that would be a huge savings for them right there. As far as universal healthcare, I don't want to wait a month or more for a CT scan, or be shuttled through my PCP's office at warp speed. Specialty care would definitely suffer, I would think. Maybe we'll have MRI or PTCA lotto?


Forum Lieutenant
The Medicare/Medicaid reform of the mid 2000's caused plenty of problems for hosp based EMS, as well as muni and private providers.

Universal healthcare has the potential to alleviate the problem somewhat by giving 911 abusers(ignorant individuals as to options?) other, less expensive avenues for Tx/txp. If Medicaid would authorize taxi rides (validated by the ER after Tx), that would be a huge savings for them right there. As far as universal healthcare, I don't want to wait a month or more for a CT scan, or be shuttled through my PCP's office at warp speed. Specialty care would definitely suffer, I would think. Maybe we'll have MRI or PTCA lotto?

All that waiting is bull poopies...I used to live in Canada with universal health care. it was not much different than here. minor & elective surgies, like gastric bypass, sometimes wait, BUT anything emergent is taken care of immediately. there is no waiting 3 months for bypass surgery, or cardiac cath. As for my PCP, yes the wait was longer when I was in the waiting room, but normal time to get an appointment and when he was in the office with me, he took the time to answer any and every question. perhaps I had a nice/good PCP, I dunno.

The BS propagated by the American Healthcare industry and the American Medical Association in reference to delays in care is as BS as the statements. The healthcare companies and MD's have the most to lose.


Level 25 EMS Wizard
All that waiting is bull poopies...I used to live in Canada with universal health care. it was not much different than here. minor & elective surgies, like gastric bypass, sometimes wait, BUT anything emergent is taken care of immediately. there is no waiting 3 months for bypass surgery, or cardiac cath. As for my PCP, yes the wait was longer when I was in the waiting room, but normal time to get an appointment and when he was in the office with me, he took the time to answer any and every question. perhaps I had a nice/good PCP, I dunno.

The BS propagated by the American Healthcare industry and the American Medical Association in reference to delays in care is as BS as the statements. The healthcare companies and MD's have the most to lose.

Thanks for the info. Good point about the healthcare companies and MD's having much to lose. BigPharma won't let universal healthcare pass without a fight, that's for sure.

Maybe if healthcare becomes subsidized we can focus on legit preventative medicine, not medicine as it stands, which is basically prescribing meds to suppress S/Sx, not treating the main cause of the problem, potentially allowing the pt to be med free (and free of the myriad of side effects as well).

Really, MD's are trained to either perform surgery or prescribe meds. It isn't in the best interest of BigPharma to have healthy illness(therefore drug) free pts, rather drug dependent ones. BigPharma is really no better than the common drug dealer in that regard (Ten Crack Commandments by Biggie just popped into my head).


Forum Deputy Chief
Yea, but in Canada, there can be only something like 5 implantable defibrillator surgeries a year. Who gets one? In America, anyone who needs one.


Forum Lieutenant
Yea, but in Canada, there can be only something like 5 implantable defibrillator surgeries a year. Who gets one? In America, anyone who needs one.

Where did you get that information? In Canada, If someone needs a medical procedure to keep them alive, they get it.

I just went to google and searched for defibrillator surgeries in Canada per year. Just to make sure. Apparently, you did no research at all. I found a ton of sites about IAD surgeries in Canada. 5 per year...not even close. they do the surgery when ever it is necessary to sustain life. I believe that is how it works here, in the US. O wait, it IS exactly how it works here, EXCEPT the patient's health insurance doesn't bill the patient for co-pay, or anything.
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Forum Deputy Chief
I have read many books written by full-time medics that said there main reason for moving to another career was abuse of the system. I have seen some of those calls first hand, calls at 2:30AM for "been vomiting all day". We get there and she has her meds ready and such. Medic says "u called us for that", "why didn't you drive to the hospital earlier etc". I just hope that doesn't become me.


Forum Lieutenant
I have read many books written by full-time medics that said there main reason for moving to another career was abuse of the system. I have seen some of those calls first hand, calls at 2:30AM for "been vomiting all day". We get there and she has her meds ready and such. Medic says "u called us for that", "why didn't you drive to the hospital earlier etc". I just hope that doesn't become me.

let me guess, after your medic partner asked that question, the patient said "I can't afford a cab" "I have medicaid"

I know, I have become jaded at times with the abuse of 911. And I will admit,I have done that 0230 or 0300 for something we all know could have waited til morning and their PCP.

I am or try to be compassionate with every patient, but alas, there are times I slip. I am human and add a busy day and tiredness...it sometimes falls out.

I remember a few months back I got a new full time partner, who was new to 911. And it was interesting to see his compassion and excitement for a call and treating a patient. It reminded me of how I was, when I was green. It was refreshing. It also helped to recapture some of the compassion I had lost over the years from those 0300 calls for tooth pain for a week and the patient couldn't get a hold a dentist at that hour.