A.S/B.S in EMS


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I am going to school to become an EMT/Firefighter and plan on going too Paramedic school also. My college offers credits towards an A.S in EMS after I compelte EMT/Paramedic. After about 18 gen ed classes i'll have my A.S.

My question is, What can I do with that degree and what could I do after I complete a B.S in EMS? Any info, or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You can be a more informed provider, and can brag about having a BS...

Sadly that's about it. Not a whole lot of incentive to get a bachelors except the knowledge you'd acquire.

Will make it that much easier to upgrade to PA/MD when you get tired of field work. (is that possible?)
You can be a more informed provider, and can brag about having a BS...

Sadly that's about it. Not a whole lot of incentive to get a bachelors except the knowledge you'd acquire.

If the OP works for a municipal department they may give an incentive for having a degree such as x% increase in pay. Also it will be easier to promote later on
If the OP works for a municipal department they may give an incentive for having a degree such as x% increase in pay.
True. However, that is definitely not the majority of systems.
Also it will be easier to promote later on
Depends on the system. For my FT job, a degree does not help for promotion until the Chief level (though it is a nice $400/month for any rank :D ). For my other two PT jobs, a degree does nothing to aide in promotion.
My question is, What can I do with that degree and what could I do after I complete a B.S in EMS? Any info, or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Having a degree will probably make you more competitive for management positions, or jobs in clinical education, paramedic instruction, quality improvement, or flight, etc.

It may be acceptable as a degree to meet entry requirements for something like an MBA, or some other sort of general graduate degree. Some of the courses may transfer towards other programs, like RN, etc. It may meet the requirements for entry to med school, or PA school, but you'll probably have to have other pre-requisite courses outside of the degree, both to apply and to do well on the MCAT.

Career-wise, the major benefits probably won't be realised immediately, but it might give you an advantage over the next guy without a degree when it comes to promotions within EMS, and it may allow you to enter other educational programs.

Also, while a little intangible, learning how to think better, and how to read research literature and critically analyse sources is valuable in life in general.
In Texas, the BS or BA means you get pretty gold lettering on your patch, and sometimes a bump in pay. It's useful if you want to TEACH paramedicine.
If you're looking to be a career firefighter/paramedic, I highly recommend the degree. The larger FD's either require a degree for promotion (especially to Capt II or BC and above), or give points on a prootion exam for a degree. These promotional lists can seperate a number of people by hundreths of a point, so the bump a degree gives you is vital. Without it, it's impossible to max out on your career development points, so a 100% on an exam will net you only an 80 on the list, for example. Someone who scores an 82 and has a four year degree will get the promotion ahead of you.

In the single role EMS world, promotions are few and far between compared to the fire service. There has been an increasing trend in requiring a four year healthcare degree for promition past road supervisor. As far as hiring though, whether it's fire based, third service, hospital based, or private, typically only the P-card counts for hiring. Most places couldn't care less where you got your card so long as it's in date and you have no criminal/driving Hx.
Will make it that much easier to upgrade to PA/MD when you get tired of field work. (is that possible?)

Actually what I'm planning on doing. AS in paramedicine, but BS in chemistry, med school/PA school beyond that. I shied away from the BS in EMS due to the added prereqs/ courseload for either one, though. Shrug.

Though, from what I've heard from the director of our local EMS, at least in Texas (and by that I mean locally), there's a pay increase and the possibility to manage/teach. But it is just a possibility.
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Well another option is for me to get credits from Fire standards towards an A.S in Fire Science and I have always thought of becoming a Arson Investigator also.
Not sure if you all know much about that field but if you do, any requirements, advice is appreciated.

And yes I am looking to do Firefighting as a career. I am willing to dedicate myself to improve and move up any way possible. Pay isnt really a big thing for me. In a way it is but I'm definitely not a person expecting to make big bucks by doing this. I'm doing it cause I love it and it runs in my family.

But back to A.S/B.S in Fire science. Would I benefit more from that to become a Arson Investigator?