A&P materials?


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Can somebody point me in the direction of some good A&P materials? This is for self study, not a class. Thank you!
human anatomy and physiology 7th by marieb and hoehn(isbn#:0-8053-5910-9) was the text we used in my medic program.
Ohhhh thank you, Lucid! Those look great!

Thanks for the links and recommendations above!
I would recommends that if you get a flash card set and an atlas to make it the same company. The pictures on the Netter's flashcards come directly from the Netter's atlas. As such, the flash cards have the page ("plate") number on them if you want to refer to a larger picture.

As well, you might want to look into picking up an Atlas AND a text book. They aren't necessarily the same. If there are any medical/nursing/allied health schools near you, you might want to check out their library. They generally have more in stock than just the "recommended" texts. As well, the school's library will generally care more than what's on reserve for the class.