Here is a scenario to further my learning as a first responder.
A woman collapses/faints in front of you at a coffee shop
You go to her aid and begin a primary survey. What does it mean if..
her pulse is high?
breathing rate is high
her skin is extremely cold and damp?
I dont feel confident handling a situation like this and want to know what you would do? Would you dial 911 and what can be done at the first responder level after the ABCs
A woman collapses/faints in front of you at a coffee shop
You go to her aid and begin a primary survey. What does it mean if..
her pulse is high?
breathing rate is high
her skin is extremely cold and damp?
I dont feel confident handling a situation like this and want to know what you would do? Would you dial 911 and what can be done at the first responder level after the ABCs