A holiday message from EMTLife


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
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EMTLife would like to wish all of our members a safe and happy holiday season.

In this time of year, we often find ourselves turning our focus to family and friends. Recent events have reinforced the need to let those in our lives know how much they mean to us. EMTLife is no different. We are a family of sorts - albeit a dysfunctional one :). It is you, our members, that make EMTLife what it is and what it can become.

On behalf of the entire EMTLife team, may everyone have a safe and merry holiday.

Thank you.
Can we have Hyper Text markup Language for our present? For one day? :unsure:
And everyone take a few minutes to remember those whom you have helped, whose life you made better, if even for just a little while, and take a bow.
It is Boxing Day here in New Zealand now..but we had a wonderful sunny 30oC(86oF) for Christmas Day...Not so good for cooking the roast dinner, but lovely all the same.
I hope all the EMTlife members have a enjoyable, safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Cheers from your Kiwi connection...Enjoynz (Joy)
Happy Horus day!!!
I just wanted to wish Chimpie a Merry Christmas. I hope Santa brought everything you wanted.
Where are the cookies?
To Sam and Anna - Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year Sam , you are one of my steel guitar heroes for all you have done to promote steel guitar Eddie "C" AKA the ole geezer
To Sam and Anna - Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year Sam , you are one of my steel guitar heroes for all you have done to promote steel guitar Eddie "C" AKA the ole geezer

Umm. I think you're a little late.:unsure: