Without hijacking this thread too much...
CISD was made by psychologists to be *run* by psychologists in order to respond to stressful events that public safety workers go through. Unfortunately, many companies decided "Hey, that was easy, my senior chief could run that.." and "Ok, this is supposed to help you folks not burn out and deal with things. So all of you are going."
Both approaches were *disastrous* and ended up causing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in people who were forced to go... or who weren't given the appropriate resource in lieu of or along with CISD.
Some find CISD sessions to be beneficial... it allows a place to vent... somewhere to discuss what happened with those who were there. If you are a "talker" and like to talk about things to process them, this might be good for you. I would strongly caution that you make sure that in addition to senior personnel from your department that you also have a licensed mental health care professional overseeing the session.
If you're not a talker, and you need time to process things, go up to your employer and as for a reference to a psychologist. Put the business card in your pocket, and when you're ready (if ever) to speak to someone professional about it, go for it.
Not all psychologists are pill pushers, by the way. I know many of us fear being medicated if we come forward. As a matter of fact, a good psychologist shies away from medication, saving them for serious cases or a last resort. A good psychologist should *never* tell you what to do... they should only be there to help YOU think through things and decide what course of action is best for YOU.
Hope this helps with the whole CISD aspect. Welcome to the EMS field! We're glad to have you here!
CISD was made by psychologists to be *run* by psychologists in order to respond to stressful events that public safety workers go through. Unfortunately, many companies decided "Hey, that was easy, my senior chief could run that.." and "Ok, this is supposed to help you folks not burn out and deal with things. So all of you are going."
Both approaches were *disastrous* and ended up causing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in people who were forced to go... or who weren't given the appropriate resource in lieu of or along with CISD.
Some find CISD sessions to be beneficial... it allows a place to vent... somewhere to discuss what happened with those who were there. If you are a "talker" and like to talk about things to process them, this might be good for you. I would strongly caution that you make sure that in addition to senior personnel from your department that you also have a licensed mental health care professional overseeing the session.
If you're not a talker, and you need time to process things, go up to your employer and as for a reference to a psychologist. Put the business card in your pocket, and when you're ready (if ever) to speak to someone professional about it, go for it.
Not all psychologists are pill pushers, by the way. I know many of us fear being medicated if we come forward. As a matter of fact, a good psychologist shies away from medication, saving them for serious cases or a last resort. A good psychologist should *never* tell you what to do... they should only be there to help YOU think through things and decide what course of action is best for YOU.
Hope this helps with the whole CISD aspect. Welcome to the EMS field! We're glad to have you here!
