MrBrown. after that now I can go cook supper in peace.
Yes. Yes. Yes.*
Quit with the "Ricky Rescue" mindset. Maybe we need to set NHTSA to work again, give them three years in private, then they announce the new universal standards, undermining of which gets your DOT and other federal monies cut off.
1. Two degrees, period. No more little additions and optional proficiencies. EMT-B wants to intubate, get a certificate, but don't create a new variety of EMT to justify it. Want to do IV's and intubate? Get your
EMT-P. Want to crack chests and suture? Get your MD, PA, or FNP.
2. Create a big primary care and indigent care sector and put people into it, don't keyhole them through ED's trying to discourage them. The first time a patient dies in your ER who was there longer than twenty minutes without care, the ED and facility administrators should be arrested, booked and arraigned for manslaughter, or third degree murder. The grand jury cracks open your books like a watermelon at a summer picnic. And if your county gets topheavy with plastic surgeons and podiatrists but deficient in OB/GYN and primary care docs, they can start doing mandatory work in clinics or they can move themselves out.
3. Mandate pay and benefits for EMS workers which can attract and hold professionals.
4. Medical transport companies, small, impoverished or rural areas...make exceptions, but no BS. If plastic surgeons start flocking to Juneau Alaska and they builld a new luxury resort and longer runway, kick out the jams and drop the hammer.
And about EMS district protocols etc? In most areas, heck YES they are not based on science. They are based on what others are doing so they are "reasonable" in "the community", and arrived at through a political process including undue influence by current shareholders.
Is my fifteen minutes up yet?
*Well, almost yes. Prompt transport makes sense if it is needed. We need to quit trying to do "Single Combat With Death" in someone's living room if transport time versus urgency of care can't be reconciled by care in route or a definitive treatment allowing the time factor to recede and the urgency to abate.