Forum Deputy Chief
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You arrive on scene at a nursing home to find a 91 y/o female lying semi-fowlers in her room @ facility. She is on 3L nasal cannula. Initial oxygen saturation is 88%, RR 28 and labored, she seems to have trouble getting more than 4 or 5 words out at a time.
Lung Sounds - Diffuse wheezing
EKG - Sinus Tachycardia with frequent PVC's and PAC's
B/P - 168/96
Pulse ox now 97% after you apply NRB at 15L
SOB started 30 minutes ago, denies asthma, COPD hx, never smoked, denies chest pain.
ETC02 waveform is normal, C02 value is 50mmHg. You don't understand why this is so since she has diffuse wheezing.
PMHx: CHF, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, stint placed in the 80's a whole page of diagnoses you have no time to read them all.
Upon loading pt. in ambulance she begins to complain of chest pain. Her sats are now good but her RR is still in high 20's, she says she feels like she can breath better. Chest pain is 6 out of 10, described as tightness.
You are across the street from the hospital. How do you proceed?
Lung Sounds - Diffuse wheezing
EKG - Sinus Tachycardia with frequent PVC's and PAC's
B/P - 168/96
Pulse ox now 97% after you apply NRB at 15L
SOB started 30 minutes ago, denies asthma, COPD hx, never smoked, denies chest pain.
ETC02 waveform is normal, C02 value is 50mmHg. You don't understand why this is so since she has diffuse wheezing.
PMHx: CHF, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, stint placed in the 80's a whole page of diagnoses you have no time to read them all.
Upon loading pt. in ambulance she begins to complain of chest pain. Her sats are now good but her RR is still in high 20's, she says she feels like she can breath better. Chest pain is 6 out of 10, described as tightness.
You are across the street from the hospital. How do you proceed?
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