9 patients, 2700 er visits in 6 years

Because that's worked so well so far.

How can someone witnessing the country falling apart still suggest that? It blows me mind.

Consider what would have happened had Bush succeeded in privatizing social security when he wanted to. This economic crash we experienced would have taken every single American's retirement and left them with nothing.

You're not thinking this through.

The country is falling apart because the government took it upon themselves to "bail out" all the companies who were finally being crushed under the weight of their own unscrupulous business practices. In a truly free market, these companies would have been allowed to die. But Bush had to come along and say "i was against socialism before I was for it" and institute a multi-billion dollar bailout, then Obama came along and pulled off a few more of them. Where's this money coming from? Your guess is as good as mine. It will probably be coming out of our pockets, so in a sense WE are paying to keep these companies afloat. This is an example of the epic failure that occurs when government becomes TOO involved... throw the working man's money at a problem until it's fixed. So here we are, with the government dipping their hand in every pot they can, and this is supposed to be an example of privatized society going awry? Don't be so blind.
I am surprised that everyone is was surprised about the costs these abusers ran up. This is not new or rarity.

I know of one patient in a rural ER I managed that had over 376 visits in one year. Of course he worked the system.

I don't know how everyone else can get into their physicians so easily. Even knowing them personally, I recently attempted to see anyone of them, the earliest appointment with my glucose >500 mg/dl and it would take at least 3 months (this is even with insurance and having been a previous patient). Luckily, I have a friend that's a P.A. that took care of me.
I could only imagine if the government was involved.

I have worked in the public health of the government, I know how the wheels turn slowly and become delusioned.
My doctor is with a large hospital's outlying medical groups..

Little wait, they even have an evening walk in clinic and littlem sdatelite clinics staffed by Nurse Practitioners in a local brand of pharmacy.
I case managed medically indigent patients for two years' hiatus from the jails. Delay is most often due to not enough porviders willing to see patients for the ludicrously insultingly low repayment rates offered by government. A small number will, and a similar number VOLUNTEER and work for free at county clinics etc.

A single payor system does not mean every doctor is socialized, if a MD wants to try to stay afloat without government money he/she can. I think though that to work in a county the medial officer should absolutely require that each and every MD must do so many cases of pro bono work, and the pts are handed out by specialty, order of request and severity, not cherry-picked. You want to make millions in our County, then show a little social responsibility.

PS: Do those incredible wait times take place in all socialized medical contries, and can it be proven? AMA and others are flooding media and internet with propaganda abot this.
In all the countries I have visited or been a part of in Europe, in any one of them, includng GB, you could walk into any doctors office and be seen within 2 hours. They even have CTs in the ED.

Even in Canada most of the horror stories I have heard were isolated incidents.

If anyone has a way to offer everyone reasonable medical coverage at an affordable rate I am waiting to hear it.