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Here's a tricky ECG for you. To be honest, I was really annoyed the other night because I could not figure it out until an ED doc explained it.
88 y/o female c/o palpitations, otherwise asymptomatic. All her vital signs are stable. She says this has happened to her before and that it is "my A fib acting up."
This is what you first see on the monitor (see image): a wide-complex tachycardia, regular and with no variation of the heart rate of 155.
(12 lead to follow later).
88 y/o female c/o palpitations, otherwise asymptomatic. All her vital signs are stable. She says this has happened to her before and that it is "my A fib acting up."
This is what you first see on the monitor (see image): a wide-complex tachycardia, regular and with no variation of the heart rate of 155.
(12 lead to follow later).