2013 4 Year Paramedic Degree

Getting back on topic, I think that until there is a large, definitive, prospective study that clearly illustrates how poorly we are doing our jobs and how much our lack of education is to blame I doubt we will see significant educational changes.

The problem lies with all of us, our employers, and our medical directors. EMS has become such a transient or part-time/volunteer career that we lost any sense of stability in the profession.

As providers we expect more out of our "education" in terms of job security and compensation, yet we don't improve our education or increase entry requirements to the point that paramedics are exclusive enough to demand reasonable compensation. Many lament our pay, however fail to note that a high school graduate can walk out of school and within a year be a practicing paramedic. I don't see RNs, RTs, MDs, PAs, etc who have their career open so quickly to high school graduates. Then we also have a large portion of card carrying paramedics who only got the training to enter a separate career entirely (firefighting is completely unrelated to EMS, regardless of what hosemonkeys try to insinuate).

Our employers recognize the transient nature of the workforce and take advantage of it. Most private ambulance paramedics are actively seeking work at a FD, so why try and attract paramedics with decent wages when most will simply leave for a FD. And why pay attractive wages when a recent high school grad will happily drive a flashy red firetruck look-a-like around for $9.00/hr. The employers in the best position to push EMS forward don't because then working for a FD will become so exclusive to those practicing pre-hospital care, and lord forbid that firefighters have to do more medical stuff. 3rd service providers are the most likely to successfully push for more education, but for some reason they don't.

And medical directors are often uninvolved with Paramedics at their service that sometimes gross incompetence and negligence goes unnoticed until a lawsuit is filed. Furthermore, many medical directors lack a complete picture of EMS from the educational (or lack thereof) background of paramedics to the way they think and practice on the streets. Due to their ignorance, willful or otherwise, they do not often push for more education.

All the people that should be pushing education to the front of issues facing EMS today (in the US), are not. And I can't come up with a good reason other than, "there is no real proof that what we are doing now is bad, and we have been doing it this way since ... blah blah blah.... FD traditions... blah blah blah.... response times etc." It's distressing really.

Note: I realize many of you work for outlying agencies that break some of these issues, but I speak for most EMS agencies, not everyone. There are always odd ones out that do the right thing (or "right-er" thing as the case is).
All that aside...

NREMT is restricting paramedic level testing to only folks who have completed an accredited program. Which means bupkis. Some truly awful programs will still find ways to get around the requirement through affiliation agreements, ect. Not to mention some states have hinted if it affects certain programs to badly they'll drop the NREMT requirement.

I think you shouldn't be able to test without an associate's degree, minimum. Yes, I'm I gigantic freaking hypocrite for saying that. You have to start somewhere though. Baccalaureate and post-graduate education are truly what's needed though. In my area at least, paramedics are closer to mid-level providers than anything else really. It's a role we're laughably underprepared for. Educational change won't come overnight though. It's not a matter of money, it's a matter of organizational inertia. Starting small is the way to change this. Shoot for an associates by say 2015, a bachelor's by 2020.
NREMT is restricting paramedic level testing to only folks who have completed an accredited program.
Doesn't help that some of the people on the accrediting board are only on there to ensure in-house training programs can be accredited. (thanks IAFF and IAFC!)
I think you shouldn't be able to test without an associate's degree, minimum. Yes, I'm I gigantic freaking hypocrite for saying that. You have to start somewhere though.
At least you are saying it, and the more that we start to get people saying it, the more likely we are to start pushing this issue to the front for pre-hospital providers. I think the people that don't have the degree are the ones most resistant to it's requirement, so it's good seeing undegreed paramedics saying that we need degrees.
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Why don't you demand that of everybody? I see many on here who don't post their credentials? Is it because my posts intimidate you and linuss?

Why don't you suggest a closed forum to where you must provide a valid license to post? That would solve your worries. Don't expect names, addresses and phone numbers to be openly published on this type of forum.

So, close the forum to any and all who don't want to reveal their education, name and whatever personal information.

But, it is because of people such as yourself who would probably use whatever someone posts you don't agree with to go to their employer for your own agenda...anonymously of course.

Now, what exactly don't you agree with in my post? Are you against education? I bet you think the BSN is too much and the ADN is more than adequate for the RN.

My license number has already been provided to Mmiz.

My education is bachelor of arts in Pyschology minor in philosophy. I am a member of pi gamma mu, international social sciences society. I have my ADN from Austin community college. My BSN is in progress at university of Texas, Arlington. My Paramedic is in progress through professional education and resources company.

Anything else you'd like to know? I can give you a list of con Ed I've completed as well. Procedural Anatomy at CCTMC in Nashville, SLAM Airway forth worth, Essentials of Cardiac Monitoring, Critical Care Course at Baptist Health Systems in San Antonio. CPR, ACLS, PEPP, PALS

Need I keep going? What bugs me about you is your freaking holier than thou attitude. Didn't you promise to disappear into a forum that requires submission of license verification a few threads back, Liar.
My education is bachelor of arts in Pyschology minor in philosophy.
what exactly does that qualify you do do, other than ask "would you like fries with that?" :D

just for the record, without actually verifying what you are typing, your list of credentials are pretty much worthless. not that I am saying you don't have exactly what you say you have, but I can claim to be anyone who I want on the internet.

and also for the record, I think a little anonymity is a good thing. too many sketchy people who would work to destroy someones career/marriage/life over an argument on an online forum. esp over something as trivial as who has a bigger **** (or who claims to have a bigger one lol)

and no way anyone would ever get my license, full name or even employer. i just don't trust anyone to not use it maliciously, and I don't care what you think of that.
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what exactly does that qualify you do do, other than ask "would you like fries with that?" :D

just for the record, without actually verifying what you are typing, your list of credentials are pretty much worthless. not that I am saying you don't have exactly what you say you have, but I can claim to be anyone who I want on the internet.

and also for the record, I think a little anonymity is a good thing. too many sketchy people who would work to destroy someones career/marriage/life over an argument on an online forum. esp over something as trivial as who has a bigger **** (or who claims to have a bigger one lol)

and no way anyone would ever get my license, full name or even employer. i just don't trust anyone to not use it maliciously, and I don't care what you think of that.

Dr Parasite, it qualifies me to have a gold border around the paramedic patch I'll be wearing next year. It also gives me the right to write LP after my RN BSN. Granted these titles are in progress, but I hope that answers your question! BTW I'm not asking for EVERYONE'S credentials, just little-miss-holier-than-thou-I-can-quote-the-internet-to-show-you-how-much-more-than-you-I-know. Heck. She's probably medicRob...So it doesn't matter what credentials she lies about.
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what exactly does that qualify you do do, other than ask "would you like fries with that?" :D

just for the record, without actually verifying what you are typing, your list of credentials are pretty much worthless

... and I don't care what you think of that.

Bloody hell mate that is some attitude you have, but that right there is the most arrogant thing Brown has ever heard anybody say.

Brown would say more but might get banned but please, tell Brown if you think either of Brown's two Degrees and Intermediate Care qualification are useless too??
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Bloody hell mate that is some attitude you have, but that right there is the most arrogant thing Brown has ever heard anybody say.

Brown would say more but might get banned but please, tell Brown if you think either of Brown's two Degrees and Intermediate Care qualification are useless too??
Brown needs to take a chill pill, otherwise he is going got stroke out. maybe he needs a hug from Mrs Brown?

if Browns degree was a psychology degree with a minor in philosophy, than i would ask if you are trained in delivering fries as well. It was a joke.

And in case your Brown to English translation service is not functioning, I never said the degrees or the certifications were worthless. What I said was listing all your certs without actually having someone verify you have earned makes the list worthless.

DrP, MD, JD, PHD, MS, BS, BA, EMT, NREMT-P, RN, CCRN, DO, and lastly, MSJ, since their program looked really cool. oh yeah, and DrP is also a CPR instructor.

see what I mean? listing everything is pretty much useless, since you have no way to know if I actually earned all those degrees. and if you didn't take bits and pieces of my post out of context, you would have probably understood that.

Please Brown, take a Brown chill pill, you seem to need one.

btw, 8jimi8, does will the LP stand for after your BSN?
Licensed Paramedic

Edit: in TX, any related healthcare degree (except nursing) will gain you the coveted gold border and title... Yes even an associates.
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