2 month CPR lapse


Forum Ride Along
I am an fairly new EMT-B from MA and I work at a volunteer-based nonprofit that does event-based work maybe once or twice a month. So I pulled out my CPR card last month and lo and behold, it had lapsed on September 31. (September doesn't even have 31 days in it but I swear to god that is the date on the card.) After I stopped cussing I ran and signed up for a renewal class which is scheduled for 3 days from now. My question is if I can still attend a renewal course when it has been 2 months and 12 days since my card expired? Or do I need to take the course over again?
Thanks for your help,


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
It really depends on the provider. I've seen some take an expired card without issue, others have limits on the types of cards they will accept, and some don't allow remediation with an expired card during a renewal class.

The last class I took had both renewals and full class students taking the same course together.

I'd contact the place where you're taking the class and ask them.


Forum Ride Along
Depends on which course it is. If it is AHA, then no, that is something they are cracking down on really hard right now (Among others, I am an American Heart Association instructor). If the card is expired by even 1 day, you would have to take the full course again, not the refresher course.

Other programs are a little more flexible on that part and leave it up ti the instructor, but technically in order to qualify for a recertification course, your card must be current.