It's hardly ever that simple. However since you've decided to question my own competency by indicating you question my abilities as a medical director before I have even completed my MD and residency then I will end this conversation now. Come back when you can be a bit more civil.
I agree with some, you fail to see what the real world is like. Most medical directors are now bought. The EMS pays a fee and you get what you pay for. Majority are "paper medical directors" only. Many EMS administrators want that and again they decide who and whom is the medical director. In other words, they want the ones to sign here and here. I would to say, over 80% would not know the difference between a Basic and Intermediate level and maybe what a Paramedic is allowed to or not. Most states do NOT require any requirements on EMS Medical Control other than to be an licensed physician. Even there, is the irony. Many of them are not definitely EMS (residency EMS director trained) nor even ER physicians. They are GP, Ortho's, etc.. what ever the EMS can find, or as I have seen "the least involved committee".
Right now you inform us upon how and what. I realize your intentions are honorable and I hope you will pursue and carry through with them; but I also know the facts and the real world. I have personal friends and former Paramedic peers and students that are EMS Medical Directors. Most were in the field more than 15 years before becoming a physician, so they do know the problems. They are active as much as they can be... now, that is not always enough. Yet, that is life. One works 12 hours a night for three shifts, go to medical records to sign charts, deal with the spouse, attend the "partners" meetings and parties, kiss the administrations arse, and yes then there the is the EMS. For a whopping $15,000 a year or so.. to review Paramedics charts that can't hardly be read or procedures that are so routine and simplistic as a step by step ... Get the drift, one hurries through to get home to get some sleep for that all nighter.
Even if one wants to do something, (as I have seen) what can they do? Attempt to restrict a Paramedic (if FD the Union will be on your tail) and Administration will be asking you how are you going to get more reimbursement for them. As I am now seeing, more and more EMS shopping for the Medical Director of their choice, not always the best one.
Remember, it is a business.
This is not just in small areas. I have such action on one area that the Medical Director is over two cities with one having a million people and the other about half a million. He/She is also over the FD, Police, Sheriff, and yes the EMS as well. Talk about meetings, reviews, education, and having to be politically correct... wow!
Look at the current changing of the guards. Austin,for example.. many are holding their breath to see what changes are going to occur.. Great protocols, great system, that all can be changed with a dot from the ink pen. Who knows... will the new medical director be pro- or be a bureaucratic one? ..
Again, not saying you can't or you won't.. I hope you pursue.. I just realize it is hard, as I have heard the same statements from those that have been there and attempt to do it.
R/r 911