$10mil off PPE left to rot


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Community Leader


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
SECURITY GUARD: "Did somebody invite you to come on the property?"

DAN NOYES: "I don't need an invitation."

SECURITY GUARD: "Pardon me?"

DAN NOYES: "I'm a taxpayer, I don't need an invitation."

Otherwise the January 6th Insurrection would have been a non-issue.
DANA STOEHR: "I understand, but it's not going to waste. It's damaged. It was damaged."

DAN NOYES: "It was damaged or it's being damaged now?"

DANA STOEHR: "No, it was damaged in a previous storm."

Stoehr would not provide more details. We later learned the event center moved all that PPE outside in September because it needed the space, and those big storms last October first damaged the PPE.
Me thinks Dana is going to be looking for a new job in the very near future.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
Once again showing the efficiency of Government
I love dumping on the government inefficiency as much as the next guy, but I can't agree with you here. The Government had a big building that wasn't being used during a pandemic (which is good and reasonable) and needed to store the PPE.. The issue was someone at the agency that runs the center (which is an outsourced non-profit) moved it out from the building and lefts in the rain. Government didn't tell them to do that, nor did the government approve it.

However, the government failing to utilize the resources that it had, or discover 10 million in un used PPE is likely a failure on whomever was responsible for Goverment equipment (IE the logistrics officer.)

Rubicon Bob

Forum Crew Member
I love dumping on the government inefficiency as much as the next guy, but I can't agree with you here. The Government had a big building that wasn't being used during a pandemic (which is good and reasonable) and needed to store the PPE.. The issue was someone at the agency that runs the center (which is an outsourced non-profit) moved it out from the building and lefts in the rain. Government didn't tell them to do that, nor did the government approve it.

However, the government failing to utilize the resources that it had, or discover 10 million in un used PPE is likely a failure on whomever was responsible for Goverment equipment (IE the logistrics officer.)

I agree with most of what you said, however, it was/is still the responsibility of whatever government agency was/is in charge of it, and they failed miserably.