
  1. J

    One Semester Training, Full & Part Time Job

    Greetings, I am currently an EMS student juggling training and working 7 days a week. I have most evenings off and no personal life. Does anyone have advice for better time management and handling all of the required reading and coursework? -John
  2. Tnaemt94

    (Almost) Desperate for full time EMS work in Tennessee, PLEASE HELP

    My income is strapped right now, of course I am trying to build an income at age 21. All the counties I have inquired about do not hire full time EMTs immediately. Some require you to work part time until a position becomes available (first come first serve) and some don't even hire EMTs full...
  3. David Schaap

    How long between psychomotor and cognitive exams?

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone could help me with a timing question.... I have completed the EMT course in Oklahoma, and I am scheduled to take my psychomotor skills exam on Feb 18. I am wondering how quickly after the psychomotor exam (assuming I pass and that the program director uploads...