Search results

  1. W

    Finally Working

    Well, I said "possible broken ribs" because it wasn't as obvious as the other injuries and the guy said that his ribs hurt when he breathed in. Not only did he hit the pavement, but the scaffolding fell on him after he hit. Everything else was obvious. They were, indeed, raccoon eyes. Not...
  2. W

    Finally Working

    I haven't been too active on this site, mostly just a lurker, but I've learned a few things while browsing the forums. One thing I was worried about was all of the posts by new or current basics spazzing out over not being able to find a job. I got my national and state cert in October. A...
  3. W

    Any EMS in Ft Worth, Tx for Part Time / Temporary?

    I actually just spoke with the RN that is taking care of my grandfather tonight, up at Harris in Ft Worth. She said that they hire EMT-Bs for techs in the ER, but she wasn't sure what all they do. I am going to look more into it though.
  4. W

    Any EMS in Ft Worth, Tx for Part Time / Temporary?

    As far as working as a tech in a clinic or hospital what specific jobs should I be looking out for? Do EMT-Basics have the same scope of practice as ECAs or what? Just trying to figure out what it is that I should be looking out for.
  5. W

    Any EMS in Ft Worth, Tx for Part Time / Temporary?

    Thats good news. I'm not limiting myself to just rolling around in a vehicle. I'm open to anything that I can use my certification with. Thanks for this advice, I'll see what I can pursue in that direction. Ryan
  6. W

    Any EMS in Ft Worth, Tx for Part Time / Temporary?

    I am on the West side of Forth Worth (820 and Jacksboro Hwy.) I think it would be easier on myself if I can work around here without having to commute to Dallas. My grandmother, at this time, needs to be taken to Harris Methodist every day to spend the day with my Grandfather, and will most...
  7. W

    Any EMS in Ft Worth, Tx for Part Time / Temporary?

    I am looking to see if anyone knows of any EMS companies in the Ft Worth area (Not Dallas) who might be willing to hire part time and temporarily. I just got my certification in, so I have no experience. I would be willing to work IFT. If you want to know the reasoning behind this, read the...
  8. W

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Took my NREMT-B today. Stopped at 73 Questions. I'll update later as to whether I passed or failed.
  9. W

    Starting EMT-B Training

    If you have your text book, start reading it. That way when you start going through it in lectures you will already be familiar with it. Find these specific things in your text book and start memorizing them: Patient Assesement SAMPLE History Normal Vital Signs (respirations, blood...
  10. W

    South Texas Paramedic Schools

    I think I may have found my answer here:
  11. W

    South Texas Paramedic Schools

    Hi guys (wow, nifty auto search feature when typing in a new title). I've been lurking here for a good five or six months, before and during my EMT-Basic class here in Texas. I am about finished with class and looking ahead to Paramedic next year. I have been reading, as well as listening to...