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  1. bfog99

    Medic schools?

    For programs that are in Washington, I would look at either Tacoma Community College or Central Washington University's programs. I went thru TCC's program and thought it was good.
  2. bfog99

    Extra Certifications

    While I agree with the above statement, if you are looking into classes for the mean time a few I can think of off the top of my head are the basic PALS, PHTLS, ACLS. I know in Washington there is a EMS evaluator class as well. You could always go for instructor classes like CPR if you wanted.
  3. bfog99

    Interesting Cardiac call

    All uniform PVC's at a resonable rate with hx of pacemaker, are you sure it wasn't a paced rhythm?
  4. bfog99

    Field Training for New Job

    Initiative is always good as long as you don't get pushy with it. I don't mean to be negative about it, but it is going to sound that way, I don't expect much out of new basics. They are usually excited and tripping over things. I guess my biggest pointer would be to understand that calls don't...
  5. bfog99


    I used to get motion sick too. Never to the point of actually vomiting, but that is besides the point. The more I rode, the more I got used to it. It can still hit me sometimes but not near as severe. I have tried Zofran, but I have found that it does little good for motion sickness...
  6. bfog99

    1 y/o F pt dunked in boiling water

    People keep asking what the OP feels they did wrong. My guess is that it was a rough call and they are looking for reassurance. Not that the treatment choice was poor, but just a way to get it off his chest to a bunch of people that have seen similar things. To the OP: like others have said...
  7. bfog99

    I get it wrong every time. What IS the answer?

    I pick D. Short, easy to understand, and honest.
  8. bfog99

    Excited Delirium

    I wrote a position paper on this topic when I went thru medic school. In all the cases I looked at, it was deemed that positional asphyxia was the contributing factor in death, not the excited dilerium or the intoxicants the victim was on.