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    76 y/o M - Hypotension

    Hey thanks! That was really informative!
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    76 y/o M - Hypotension

    If a beta blocker OD is unstable- Bradycardic, altered, hypotensive- would atropine be less effective than glucagon in increasing HR and better perfusing the pt? I know glucagon is the antidote, but at least where I am glucagon is only indicated for hypoglycemia and we don't necessarily carry...
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    Are there any EMT jobs to be had Norcal?

    I've been curious about this as well, I'm in San Diego but originally from northern Cali- I didn't get into the whole ems thing until I moved down here and have been playin with the idea of moving back home to Sacramento area
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    59YOM - OD, Suicide attempt

    Initially, managing the airway due to low SpO2, and peripheral cyanosis/color change- I would say high flow NRB, PPV if no change with that after a short amount of time. IV, start fluids- seems to be compensating right now with a BP of 125/50, but he's dehydrated with dry mucus membranes and...
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    The Hunger Games is a great series
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    online A & P class

    Thanks alot for the info! what exactly is a hybrid class? I haven't heard of that before...
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    online A & P class

    I am an EMT-B, trying to get the prereqs out of the way so I can get into medic school in the spring. I need an A & P class and would love to find one online so I don't have to take too much time off work attending class 5 days a week before I start paramedic school. Does anyone know of an...
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    First EMT job

    Yeah, they told me theyd let me know one way or the other by next week. I think I will try to push back training...
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    First EMT job

    Ok, Im not sure if something like this has been covered or not, and if it has, could someone be so kind as to direct me to it? Anyways, The situation I have boils down to this: I got a job offer from a small company with a somewhat shady reputation. They want me to start training next week...
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hallo all- Ive been checkin the forum out for awhile, thought I would post and introduce myself. Im an EMT-B in San Diego, 23 y/o looking for my first job in EMS. Actually, have an interview today with Pacific... can't wait to get some experience, hope to go to medic school or possibly...