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  1. D

    I pulled the trigger

    I see nothing wrong with your thinking. We are a combined service with fire and ems, we do more ems than fire. If you could negociate ride alongs with a larger company you might be at an advantage. You didn't say how many ems calls your VFD handles; that could be the difference. I have worked...
  2. D

    Concerned about Adminstering Diastat

    concern about Diastat Where I come from, unless there has been an act of God, you would be in violation of an number of laws if you administer Diastat. Tell them no thanks.
  3. D

    Hello; new to the site.

    Welcome. Dig in and learn. There's lot's of stuff here and plenty of people to bounce things off of.
  4. D

    First EMT Class

    Any instructor who cares for his/her students will go the extra mile. I've had both good and bad, and make sure my students can get ahold of me if they have questions. Sounds like you are in good hands, good luck.
  5. D

    have i gone crazy?

    have i gone crazy Its 30:2 if you are by yourself, 15 and two with two rescuer cpr, especially if intubated. Ya know, I teach this all the time and still mess it up from time to time:)
  6. D

    question for medics

    Flush it with sterile water, wrap it, and move on. Mess with the road rash only if other more serious injuries have been tended to.
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    Strip to Interpret

    Looks like third degree to me.
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    NIBP on ALC/CCT transfers

    We use a Zoll CCT monitor everyday. If it starts giving hinky NIBP readings, it needs to have a maintenance tech look at it. Ours does fine, but you need to verify it with a manual BP. I bought a stethoscope that allows me to hear fairly well, even while moving. As far as the PHillips goes...
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    ALS saturation

    I agree whole heartedly. Our service requires all medics to be firefighters, so they all go off and pee on a fire, leaving the ambulance uncovered. Happens all the time unless a non-fire fighter such as myself is around for the second hit.
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    ALS saturation

    Even the larger services in the local "big cities" are looking for medics. When med control requires a medic/medic truck, medics are in short supply. When a medic can make considerably more as an RN the shortage becomes greater. I am sure some metro areas have to many, but not around here.
  11. D

    Question about narcotics and allergies

    Questions about narcs and allergies If they hurt, fix it. If you are not sure, call Med control, that's what they are there for.
  12. D

    Input please

    If you are not sure if its afib or svt. I wouldn't push adenosine. It won't work on afib and could cause a period of aystole that might just make you mess yourself. Good responses from those above. Be prepared for many more runs that you will play back. Talking with others is a good way to...
  13. D

    Phillips & LP12

    Phillips vs LP12 I've used the LP 10 LP12, PHillips MRX, and Zoll M series CCT monitor. Of the bunch, I prefer the Phillips. Good tracings, easy access to accessories, I dislike the twiddle and push method of changing things on the LP 12, give a a switch and a couple of chiclet buttons and...
  14. D

    Diazepam IM?

    Our protocols call for IV also, but IM is OK if vascular access is unavailable. Do you also carry Versed? In a neighboring Medical Control, protocol is 5mg Versed IM, you are not to wait to establish an IV on an actively seizing patient.
  15. D

    I START MY EMT CLASS IN 1 WEEK!!! any advice?

    starting your medic class Congratulations, much of what was needed has been said. As an instructor I give you this advise: Listen, take notes, when practical time comes offer to go first if nobody steps forward. When you get to ride alongs and hospital rounds, make yourself useful. Obnoxious...