Hello; new to the site.

Captain Caveman

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Hello all,

My name is Chris, and I'm 27 years old. I signed up at the community college for EMT-B. Today I got my foot in the door being a part time Medcare driver while I go to school. After school is done I get on the EMS team and further up the ladder, I'm shooting for Fire Fighter. My hobbies are technical scuba diving and camping.
Welcome!!! there is tons of information and expericed people on this site that have helped me greatly!! the search box is your best friend on this site!!
EMS can be challenging, not every caveman can do it :p

welcome, there are a lot of people on here that have tons of information. Any question you have, probably someone on here will know your answer.
Thats funny. No one ever said anyhting like that before about my username. I've been using this name for all the forums I joined.
Very funny. :lol:

wow, i figured someone would have already said something about that! :beerchug:
technical scuba diving, and camping... damn, you should have joined the navy as a hospital corpsman.... you could have been essentially a paramedic, been a dive tech with the marines, and could have gone to the field (camping) every other week. haha jsut kidding man, good luck in your class.
welcome, and good luck with your classes I start emt-b class in a little over two weeks myself.
you going all the way through to your medic or what? I started off with getting my fire cert and now 2 weeks away from being done with my medic classes and 1 semester of gen ed classes away from being licensed paramedic. Good luck to you hope it works out.
Well in 1/2 way done with the class. All I have to say is wow, I study for atlease 4hrs a night and making flash cards. So far my average is 92%. I would be up in the 98% range but my quater test was so hard 1/2 the class failed I passed 84% on that test so it dropped me down some. But I have 3 weeks raise is back up.

But so far I'm really am enjoying this new profession.
You need the captain caveman avatar tho...

Welcome. Dig in and learn. There's lot's of stuff here and plenty of people to bounce things off of.
Well on Wensday I took my final test. out of the 150 questions I got 143 right to come out to be 95.8% with extra credit question. i take the state test on Jan 13. Its a long time away so I'm keeping up the studies to make sure I get the same or better. Mean time I start me FF2 Jan 4th.