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  1. firemoose0827

    EMT Bs and a 12 lead

    Well, we agree on one thing. I believe that a paid system needs to be started in every community. The service to the patient is what is priority, and the timely delivery of this service is key. Most volunteer based services, especially rural areas, have extremely high response times. This is...
  2. firemoose0827

    EMT Bs and a 12 lead

    I am glad for you and your desire to remain in EMS. And obviously your pay scale is better than mine. Can you raise your family on $14/hour as a medic?? As a basic I started with $7.50/hour...sorry, but that is not enough to raise a family. I did make adjustments to suit my family. I got a...
  3. firemoose0827

    EMT Bs and a 12 lead

    Wow...Ouch. Thanks for the insult. I let my ALS drop because I was a FT EMT-CC and had no issues getting my CME's. When I left my FT Job for better pay, I could not continue to get my CME's, work 2 jobs and support a family, so I went to a Basic EMT again to help my volunteer squad. Some...
  4. firemoose0827

    Dumbest thing you have been asked

    Received a call at my paid EMS gig at a local nursing home for a female patient unresponsive, not breathing. We respond code 3 and arrive in less than 2 minutes from our station, go running up the stairs loaded with bags and equipment, get to the patients room...the door is closed and...
  5. firemoose0827

    EMT Bs and a 12 lead

    Understood. I was once an EMT-CC and know of this too. But we just learn the basics of getting a picture to the ALS provider of what things looked like before they got there, which helps them get a bigger timeline. Thanks. I guess this is the same as any other EMT arriving on scene of a...
  6. firemoose0827

    Quality EMS agencies

    I have worked for 2 companies in New York, both private EMS. When I graduated High School I got hired at Response Ambulance. Nice little company with good pay for a guy fresh out of HS. Than it was purchased by Rural Metro. They have 3 stations in my area; One in the City of Herkimer...
  7. firemoose0827

    Does your BLS protocal incl. glucose monitor finger-stick?

    No problem. Stay Safe.;)
  8. firemoose0827

    Almost missed this one - Happy Birthday MedicPrincess!

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day filled with good memories.
  9. firemoose0827

    EMT Bs and a 12 lead

    Sure...Ill try. First off, we dont do anything with the 12 leads, just 3 lead. But regardless of what I explain here there will be the ones that just tear it apart and be the usual monday morning quarterback, just like in every discussion that has something that someone is not sure of, or has...
  10. firemoose0827

    Dispatched: Injured From Assault - A Messy Scene

    It all boils down to some very basic training...ABC's. I was trained in basic that if you encounter a problem in any of the ABC's than you are working on that until it is alleviated. You have bleeding from the neck, which in my opinion is all three. It is severe bleeding near the trachea...
  11. firemoose0827

    EMT Bs and a 12 lead

    This, and another reason. Im my squad we are volunteer, but we are ALS certified and only have 3-4 ALS providers. If they dont show, we ask for the County Medics to respond. My squad trains all of the members in the set up of certain things like ECG, and IV's so we can assist the medics...
  12. firemoose0827

    Does your BLS protocal incl. glucose monitor finger-stick?

    Well thats fine. But with my hospitals in the area I work, they love to get all the info they can from EMS to use as a timeline of the patients condition. Check the progression of events and the severity of the signs and symptoms from the time EMS picked them up to the current time. If we...
  13. firemoose0827

    Does your BLS protocal incl. glucose monitor finger-stick?

    Where did I state that? In New York, we have the following levels; EMT Basic- vitals, backboard, collar, bleeding control, fracture management, SPO2, Emergency Child Birth, Oxygen, Assist with Patients ASA, NTG, and Epi Pens, Blood Glucose Monitoring after being cleared by Med Control...
  14. firemoose0827

    Do you give vitals while patching?

    In my area we use this often, only to get numerous questions from ED staff. We operate out of a small rural Hospital with an 8 bed ED; 7 beds and a trauma room. They have one doctor 24/7, and a staff of 2-4 nurses depending on the time of day and available staff. We all know each other pretty...
  15. firemoose0827


    I have had that issue as well with my very first stethoscope I purchased for $20, it was a dual tube and it always gave me artifact noises I thought were coming from the patient. But I also agree, buy an affordable scope. Some people spend hundreds of dollars on their scopes and when they...
  16. firemoose0827

    Wandering topics

    I believe the forums are already set up in a way that would alleviate this problem...IF the members would learn where and how to post their information. A good thing to do is to clean up the titles of these posts as well, especially the ones that are actually part of the thread? You will see...
  17. firemoose0827

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hello everyone, my name is Brian, people call me moose, or Jonesy. I am 34 years old and have been involved with EMS since I was 14 with the Junior Fire Dept on Long Island, NY. I got my first CPR and First Aid card there and have been training ever since. I was a Basic EMT at the age of 18...
  18. firemoose0827

    Does your BLS protocal incl. glucose monitor finger-stick?

    Well said. We all have our opinions, and I am not trying to change yours in any way. Just simply stating that the introduction of BGL wont hurt anything either, so why not at least let them obtain a reading and use it as another diagnostic tool to better attempt to diagnose what the underlying...
  19. firemoose0827

    What would you do if you were there?

    Exactly what my first thoughts were...after the second time chasing him away he would be sitting in the back of a squad car with cuffs, thats why we have scene safety laws and police presence at all of these kind of calls. If they dont listen to us, they will listen to the police. His death...
  20. firemoose0827

    Does your BLS protocal incl. glucose monitor finger-stick?

    Just makes it quicker for the arriving medic, he/she already has a reading now they can do their job faster, instead of wasting another 5 minutes to grab a reading. What is the protocol for your state for ALS providers? Advanced EMT's in my state can push Dextrose IV, so it does change the...