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  1. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    I think many of you know Ramstein air base. 1988 there was a terrible disaster when some aircrafts falling down and kill at least 70 people and injured 346 while an airshow: By the way: my english is also not the best, so i use sometimes...
  2. M


    Is there any study about incidents of applying Fentanyl or Morphine by Paramedics in the US or do you have own experiences ? In Germany, Physicians never would allow Paramedics to use these drugs.
  3. M


    I'm surprised about you guys in the U.S. rarely use Ketamine. Here in Germany Ketamine (Ketanest-S) is a commonly used iv analgetic for trauma patients. It ist used in combination with a benzodiazepine like Midazolam (Dormicum), that reduces the nightmare responses. The Esketamine (Ketamine S)...
  4. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    Thank you guys for your answer !
  5. M

    Germany: Rescue Helicopter burnt out / Oxygen bottle in Ambulance blew up

    Detonation of a vessel that is pressurized.
  6. M

    Germany: Rescue Helicopter burnt out / Oxygen bottle in Ambulance blew up

    A german Rescue Helicopter called "Christoph 51" burnt out today in southwest germany after there was a explosive flame on a oxygen bottle when the bottle was checked by a paramedic. The paramedic has suffered heavy burn wounds. See photos on the Helicopter News Website...
  7. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    If you ever visit Heidelberg or Germany again, you are welcome !
  8. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    Dein Deutsch ist noch immer gut ! Ich bin überrascht, dass Einige hier deutsch sprechen und schreiben ^_^ War dein Vater in Ramstein Air Base stationiert ? Ich lebe in der Nähe von Heidelberg, dort gibt es auch eine grosse US-Base.
  9. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    Hi Lunah, wo in Deutschland hast du denn gelebt ? Yes, the German Red Cross is a big EMS provider across Germany. Here, the aid organizations like the Red Cross, Johanniter, Malteser and Arbeiter Samariter Bund operates many EMS stations. We also have private ambulance services and -...
  10. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    Not every ambulance carry a doctor. We have ambulances for non-emergency transports (Krankentransportwagen / KTW), ambulances for emergency transports (Rettungswagen / RTW) and automobile for carry emergency physicians to scene (Notarzteinsatzfahrzeug / NEF). In a life-threatening emergency both...
  11. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    I understand that. I'm the CEO and Administrator of our little corner of dysfunction and we do have the same troubles i think. So sorry again for that. @Linuss Hey, mir geht es gut, danke ! Meine Freizeit verbringe ich mit meiner Familie und Freunden. Leider opfere ich manchmal zuviel...
  12. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    Thank you all for the welcome and sorry for breaking the rules when i link our german Websites. @HotelCo "Rettungsassistent" can be translated as "Rescue (Rettungs-) Assistant (-assistent)". In Germany we don't have a Paramedic-System. At life-threatening emergencys in Germany we assist to...
  13. M

    Want to introduce myself - Hello from Germany

    Hello, my name is Daniel and i'm coming from southwest Germany. I'm a full time paramedic (in Germany called "Rettungsassistent") and also the CEO of the german Forum for EMS Professionals **link removed**. I found this forum on and was very surprised, how similiar this forum...
  14. M


    Only a few words from here: in Germany we have to learn some basic English in all public schools and advanced English in junior high and secondary school. In junior high an secondary school we often also have to learn french. I'm glad about that, because we often have patients (tourists...
  15. M

    New NBC Show about Paramedics

    Hello from Germany ! Hi all ! I'm the administrator of a german forum for EMS professionals and we also advise our members of the new show on NBC. Interestingly these kind of US-Show here in germany a very popular for the EMS personnel in contrast to the german EMS shows like "112 - Sie...