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  1. E

    Just finished registry!

  2. E

    Passed my EMT-99 Friday

    It will be another 6 months with basically the same intern, ambulance and AIC hours again. Cost is another $700.00 plus testing fees.
  3. E

    Passed my EMT-99 Friday

    9 months total, 3 nights a week and some Saturdays for ITLS training and all the ER, OB, ICU, OR, AIC and ambulance hours included.
  4. E

    Passed my EMT-99 Friday

    I have my test results back and I passed my CBT and practical’s for NREMT-I 99 this Friday, I am glad that’s over....,:)
  5. E

    NREMT-P Random Basic Skills

    Did you assess airway and breathing after taking C-spine?
  6. E

    passed my IV test

    Iv We had 75 sticks on the manikin arm and hand. Then we did a saline lock on each other before we started our clinical rotations. The first nurse I worked with would not let me stick veins I could see, had to feel for the veins and all were done in the AC.
  7. E

    Blood Pressure question

    When the systolic and diastolic reach the same, its called pericardial tamponade. This happens when fluid or blood fills the pericardium sac around the heart an puts pressure on the heart not allowing it to refill with blood.
  8. E

    Should EMS be armed

    I agree with what you said. I was not implying to kill anyone just that you have the option to protect your self if you choose to do so, by any means you choose. There is no such thing as one shot one kill that is not the debate. The debate is whether EMS should be allowed to carry fire arms to...
  9. E

    Should EMS be armed

    Each person is responsible for protecting his / her self, you should not expect someone else to protect you. You should take the required training to use a hand gun, practice with it, keep up with your area laws and hand gun skills just as you keep training and updating your EMS skills. LEO'S...