passed my IV test

your a paramedic student and your just now getting Iv cert? thats odd

He's not in Colorado like you. Most states don't let their Basics get certed for IVs for field use.
thats weird, here a basic can do IV, ECG with interpretation, certain Intubations and use a few intervenes drugs with the proper state certified training. I see why people are kinda harsh on basics in other states.
Congratulations! I as well just got certified in IV last week. My first round of clinicals is this week. In lab we had to practice on our classmates with a butterfly.
We were not allowed to practice on classmates. We just had the mannequin arm.
thats weird, here a basic can do IV, ECG with interpretation, certain Intubations and use a few intervenes drugs with the proper state certified training. I see why people are kinda harsh on basics in other states.

I think one reason people are harsh is that the basics do not have the education level that is required by paramedics, A&P I and II are important. Also medic student get tons more lab and clinical time to practice these skills.
We used a combo of fake arm and each other. The rule was if I stuck you, you got to stick me, so you had to try not to torture them because they're turn is coming. So far I've been about 80% success rate in clinicals and almost all of my failures have been on crappy veins.

I missed one guys hand the other day, couldn't thread the catheter. I did get a 16ga in the OR last week and got to attempt an IV by landmark in the OR.

We had 75 sticks on the manikin arm and hand. Then we did a saline lock on each other before we started our clinical rotations. The first nurse I worked with would not let me stick veins I could see, had to feel for the veins and all were done in the AC.
We had 75 sticks on the manikin arm and hand. Then we did a saline lock on each other before we started our clinical rotations. The first nurse I worked with would not let me stick veins I could see, had to feel for the veins and all were done in the AC.

When I first started I couldn't stick a vein by feel for crap. Now I'm getting better about it. I'm still at about an 80% success rate.
thats weird, here a basic can do IV, ECG with interpretation, certain Intubations and use a few intervenes drugs with the proper state certified training. I see why people are kinda harsh on basics in other states.

Super nope.

No ECG w/ interpretation, no intubation unless you expand the definition to mean King tube placement (which basics cannot do in the City and County), IV drugs are limited to reversal agents (D-50/narcan) and ACLS drugs during an arrest under the supervision of a paramedic only.
boy this thread had the he double hockey sticks bumped out of it...
haha it's all good though
Super nope.

No ECG w/ interpretation, no intubation unless you expand the definition to mean King tube placement (which basics cannot do in the City and County), IV drugs are limited to reversal agents (D-50/narcan) and ACLS drugs during an arrest under the supervision of a paramedic only.

Whew, glad someone said so before I had to. We never even touched on ECG when I was a basic, we just started it halfway through my Intermediate. NO intubation, only combi- and king- tubes. Can only start an IV once you get certified, post-EMT-B certification and as a B only a very few drugs.

Yay, necro thread.

I still have a scar on my arm from our certification class in which a guy just jammed it in and wriggled it around. It tore the skin and owowow. I'm a big baby about needles so I cried for all the times I had to be stuck but when I got to stick I was all gung-ho about it. Oh, irony.

I'm sort of surprised that some people aren't made to stick their classmates/be stuck. I HATED it, but it was wonderful to feel that yes the little pop the fake arms offer really DOES happen. That first stick is terrifying and I like poked him and then backed off all scared and then I STABBED HIM. I'm so glad he had a high pain tolerance and didn't care. I felt bad. But damn it once I backed out and corrected I got flash. win. IV cert is a huge step in my opinion, sticking people with needles is intimidating!
We didn't have to practice on any real people for class. I definitely wouldn't have my classmates practicing on me.

For Adv Trauma (PHTLS class) and medic school we had to stick each other in class. I was usually considered the final for everyone since me and one other were incredibly hard sticks.
We practiced on eachother, but only if you wanted someone to.

Not only did it make the learning experience better because nothing replaces the real thing, but it also opened your eyes to the type of pain you'll be putting your patients through.

Not allowed to practice on each other here. I still remember my first IV attempt back in October, I got it. You miss some though. I just have one more hospital clinical then its on the the ambulance. I gotta pass cardiology and pharmacology finals next week though, which I feel like I can.

Today I got 6 IV's and missed two, pushed a bunch of drugs. Did some vitals on a 9 year old that shot self in head with a BB gun. Seizure pt. all kinds of stuff.