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  1. Sparky21

    con artists

    Ive met several people that no matter how hard you do your sternum rub they have the self control to take it without a flinch...though we still use it.:ph34r:
  2. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    Its certianly not in AZ
  3. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    hehehe yay! :P
  4. Sparky21

    your misses is fantastic!!!

    your misses is fantastic!!!
  5. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    Im slowy becoming an insomniac...
  6. Sparky21

    Rural/Metro Georgia

    AZ sadly doesnt have that law and this is the company that left my crew and i stranded on the side of the road in the middle of the night with an oversized pt onboard for 3 hours before sending us an ambo to finish the transport. Our HQ for everything, fleet, radio, HR, all ambos, was a 20 min...
  7. Sparky21

    One of the best "out of the ER" stories I've heard in a long time. Got a better one?

    LMAO! That is funny and horrible at the same time. People are an amazing breed and the reason we have job security!
  8. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    lightsandsirens heres one for you... I was working ift last night with my normal partner after a relatively interesting day. We got kicked out on an out of town transport to a small town just outside of sho low which is about 4 hours north of us. We pick up another emt and are running a...
  9. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    150k miles?! that brand new!!!! The last time I drove an ambo that had less than 300k was um...oh yeah precepting in glendale. wonderful and glorious glendale that gets whatever they want whenever they want it dont even think twice about it. my dedicated EMS ride in mesa was right at 300k when i...
  10. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    Hahaha dont hate... and the IFT thats amazing you gotta love general transport
  11. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    Haha that's sucks! You must work for a rural uh/oh company... That definitely happened to my buddy on Hoover damn two days ago...
  12. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    Definitely just got cornered by a group of firefighters in the ema room so the could inspect and make fun of my small feet...
  13. Sparky21

    No luck finding a EMT-B job :(

    LMAO!! It took me 4 years to get hired by a rural metro affiliate company. you give up after a week or even a month your heart isnt in it and its not the job for you...
  14. Sparky21

    Only @ Rural/Metro, lmao

    Honestly who comes up with these damn studies?? We are started that study two weeks ago at Southwest. except they want to know the color and shape along with the size and if it plugged the toilet or not. Needless to say that has been the topic of discussion on every ride the last two weeks...
  15. Sparky21

    Lack of Oxygen...On the Unit

    I agree completely!! Having worked as a volunteer and drawing a paycheck I always check off my truck as soon as i get to it. Its patient safety more than anything! not to mention its a CYA. I would hate to arrive on scene and not have what i need. Not only does it make me and my partner look...
  16. Sparky21

    Most Odd Breakfast

    Thats disgusting! I definitely just lost my appetite... my best i would have to say would be pickles turkey lunch meet and cottage cheese with a wginormous glass of milk! ;)
  17. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    OMG I cant sit still...Im at my office job and its 85 degrees outside Phoenix in the middle of May with thunderstorms surrondinging the valley!!! I hate being cooped up inside!!! :blink:
  18. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    Thats awesome!! We could be the more bars in more places!!!:P my statement cover you too then! SHORT KIDS UP FRONT!!! ;)
  19. Sparky21

    the 100% directionless thread

    :o OMG!!! You are more than a foot taller than my puny 5'7!! I think i am the tallest short person i know! Short kids up front!!!
  20. Sparky21

    Paramedic Schools

    So I'm looking to get into Paramedic School and i was wondering about different schools and their rankings. Does anyone know of a list or a website that has the different programs and their rankings? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!