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  1. netters311

    Confused by CEU's

    Yes, there is licesnsed staff near by. We are located in a Heart Center so the Cath lab/Cardiac nurses are in the same area as us. I am lookin into the ER. Our hospital is a small one. Only 49 bed. So, with the economy the way it is, a lot of lay offs and time cutting is going on. But, i will...
  2. netters311

    NREMT Re-cert Question

    Im glad i found this thread as i just posted a similar question. What qualifies as "using EMT skills"? I know that sounds like a silly question. But, im just curious because I work in a hospital in the Cardiopulmonary dept. I do EKG/EEG's, Stress tests, ect. I also try to respond to codes with...
  3. netters311

    Confused by CEU's

    Hey guys! Im having trouble understand my CEU requirements. I am not employed as an EMT so im kinda on my own here. Is it correct that you have to be affiliated to renew your license? I just havent been able to find anything around here that will hire EMT-B's without experience. Where can I...
  4. netters311

    Martial Arts

    I take Taekwon-Do. My dad is the instructor. He is a 7th degree black belt, so he is considered a Master. I really enjoy it. Its such a stress reliever!! I love kicking and punching those targets!! lol Its great for teaching kids discipline and respect. You should give a try for sure!
  5. netters311

    compression-recoil cycle % during CPR

    I can not find any infomation about this. Its no where in my book and couldnt find anything on google. Could someone please enlighten me as to what this is?
  6. netters311

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    I just passed mine on saturday!! WOO HOO! Mine shut off at 70 also>
  7. netters311

    2nd time around was great!

    Definitely! Im not nearly as nervous for the written test though. I have to wait another week before I am able to take the test. I am ready to get it done though. Oh well, I guess more time to study never hurts!
  8. netters311

    2nd time around was great!

    I just passes mine on the second try as well? Kudos to us!! I agree its all about being relaxed. I was so much calmer this time. I took my time and did great. I had a better evaluator this time too. He was the kind that cracks a joke as soon as you walk in. It was just so much better the second...
  9. netters311

    Just passed EMT-I practicals

    We had to get a 75% on all writen exams as well. With our class we got 2 tries to pass a practical with our instructors. The third time, you had to retake it with the director. If you failed it that time, you were done. You could miss two classes with a valid excuse. After that, you were on...
  10. netters311

    Failed. Any suggestions??

    I have thought about looking into anit-anxiety meds to be honest. I just worry that I will be "loopy" or tired. I failed my long back board. In class we were taught to place our straps in an "x" across the chest and pelvis and a "figure 8" around the feet. I have never worked in the EMS...
  11. netters311

    Failed. Any suggestions??

    Ok, I took my NREMT EMT- B practicals yesterday. Got the call today that I passes my assessment, but failed my skills. I knew I failed my skills and I thought I had my assessment. That was a nice surprise that I didnt. Anyway, I have to retake my skills station feb 14th. I practice religiously...
  12. netters311

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Im from Columbia. Nice to see a fellow Missourian!! Thanks for the tips. Im hoping that since I have been through the process I wont be as nervous. But, I doubt it. lol In practicals, I know my weakness is the long back board. And of course that was what I got in my random skills station. I go...
  13. netters311

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Struggling newbie here!! ;-) hello. My name is Jet and im from Missouri. I just finished my EMT-B class Friday. I just took my NREMT practicals yesterday (01/24/09). I failed with flying colors, both my assessment and skills station. I know the problem was my nerves. I am a terrible test taker...