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  1. C


    In my school we are required to wear: -Blue Polo -Black Pants -Black Boots -Black Socks I absolutley hate the fact that we have to be in uniform. The need for a uniform shows no need. I understand the need when we are doing ride times. We also come in with clean shaves and tattoos must be...
  2. C


    For my school we have to do 4 ambulance rides at the FD. They are all 8 hours. Then there is one clinical we do at the ER for another 8.
  3. C


    Yeah I replied to his email and asked him to clarify but he didnt email me back until today when he got in the office. Thanks for the help though had the test today and got an A. It ended up being.. Determine Unresponsivness Open Airway Check for breathing Give two breathes Check Pulse...
  4. C

    What Qs do you ask when taking a history?

    Sorry to ask, I was taught SAMPLE, What does OPQRST stand for.
  5. C


    So your saying... 1.Determine Unresponsive 2.Call 911/Send for help 3.Open Airway 4.Check breathing (Look Listen Feel) 5.Give two breathes 6.Check Pulse 7.Give Compressions 8.AED arrives ?
  6. C


    Just started my EMT class a couple weeks ago. Its almost overwhelming what my teacher is expecting of us. We have a big test coming up tuesday. One of the questions Im gonna be asked is what are the steps of CPR. I just got an email of a study guide from him but it seems he wants seven steps for...
  7. C

    Training in West Palm Beach

    Well price isnt really the issue in my case I just want to make sure I go to a decent institution. Regardless of where you take your classes you still get the same certification paper correct? I was convicted of misdemeanors, Problem? Thanks for the quick reply
  8. C

    Training in West Palm Beach

    Hey im new to the emt community and just had a few questions. I am interested in starting my training in a place called Health Career Institute its located in Lake Worth, Florida. I have never been convicted Has anyone ever attended this school or even reccomend the school. I was also wondering...