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  1. BlauerMfg

    The (Often) Forgotten: EMS In America

    I don't think it's "special" any more or less than other public safety. As far as programs go, personally I'd like to see: 1. Better overall training options for all areas of the country, including national-level funding, so that education does not rely upon local options only (most often...
  2. BlauerMfg

    The (Often) Forgotten: EMS In America

    Perhaps not personal recognition so much as recognition of the profession - with attendant funding, programs, etc.
  3. BlauerMfg

    The (Often) Forgotten: EMS In America

    Hi all, JEMS picked up our blog article, curious as to your thoughts on it. or Thanks.
  4. BlauerMfg

    EMT Pants
  5. BlauerMfg

    Left handed EMT pants?

    Our Medic Response Trousers seem to work well for lefties.
  6. BlauerMfg

    Momentary black out

    I had a guy like this once, had a dissecting AAA with a false lumen that occassionally flapped over and occluded the aorta. Really interesting to watch what in essence was a repetitive CVA.
  7. BlauerMfg

    Radio Holster?

    I highly recommend something with a swivel... rotates when you sit down. We don't make holsters, but there are a lot of companies that have something like this.
  8. BlauerMfg

    What is a whacker?

    I knew a guy who got banned from scenes for responding in his minivan... he even had a folding backboard.
  9. BlauerMfg

    We did a free EMS Defensive Tactics course.

    Awesome, that's great to hear.
  10. BlauerMfg

    We did a free EMS Defensive Tactics course.

    Right, we knew that most agencies and privates won't cover this, that's why we're giving the video series away for free. I'm asking people to share this for that reason, not because it benefits us.
  11. BlauerMfg

    We did a free EMS Defensive Tactics course.

    Don't you mean "alorotom"? :D
  12. BlauerMfg

    We did a free EMS Defensive Tactics course.

    Yeah, this is basically to give folks without much prior training some basic skills to help defend themselves without resorting to the more old-school "D-cylinder-to-the-face" mentality.
  13. BlauerMfg

    We did a free EMS Defensive Tactics course.

    He's a great guy and extremely dedicated.
  14. BlauerMfg

    We did a free EMS Defensive Tactics course.

    That's Kip, our video instructor. :)
  15. BlauerMfg

    We did a free EMS Defensive Tactics course.

    Hello all, We sponsored a free EMS Defensive Tactics video course recently, thought you might be interested. It's basically about how to escape from a violent encounter, while still maintaining your EMS role. In the 14 years I was riding the back of the bus, it was something never taught to...
  16. BlauerMfg

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hello all. Spent a long time in a busy city ambulance, now working for Blauer. Not here to shill, actually kind of want to know what folks want in their uniforms etc. Having had all kinds of bad ones over the years, I'm trying to help foster a better set of clothes for us. Cheers, feel free...