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  1. G

    Transitioning from unrelated career to EMT/Paramedic?

    I'm 27 and graduated a few years back with a bachelors in natural resources. I've worked a variety of jobs for the past decade and currently work as an event coordinator at a nonprofit. I am just finishing my EMT-basic course and am testing soon. I've found that I love EMS work more than...
  2. G

    Tx for bradycardic adults vs. peds

    Yes that is very helpful, thank you for clarifying!
  3. G

    Tx for bradycardic adults vs. peds

    I'm taking some practice quizzes to prepare for the NREMT and had seemingly conflicting answers provided for two similar questions. One of the questions asked what I'd do for a bradycardic 61 year old in respiratory arrest. The correct answer was to assist ventilations. Another question on...
  4. G


    My instructor touched on it but more in a conversational way, not as part of the curriculum. In fact, we didn't discuss IVs much at all except getting shown how to spike a bag.
  5. G

    New EMT, and question about personal relationships

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone. It's kind of illuminated for me the fact that yeah, I do really throw myself into my activities and it would be great if I could achieve some balance. I know some of my relationships have waned due to lack of time, so it'll be nice to spend time with...
  6. G

    New EMT, and question about personal relationships

    Hi everyone, I'm just finishing up my EMT-B class and am taking the certification exam in two weeks. I began volunteering in emergency services last January when I joined a local search and rescue agency. Going through the academy was the highlight of my year up until now. I am completely...