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  1. K

    How do you keep up your energy?

    oof... I see so many guys doing this. I gotta say I feel so much better having quit that stuff. More water, less soft drinks, more sleep, less alcohol, more exercise, eating real food (meaning cutting out the fast food. This also may mean spending time preparing things yourself). I also...
  2. K

    Love of EMS

    This is really important for all responders. I can say that it's an issue in law enforcement, too. It may be worthwhile to do a mind-mapping exercise, either with pen and paper or the Simple Mind phone app. Put yourself in the original bubble. Every bubble that branches off of the original...
  3. K

    LEO/EMT-B here

    I had an account here years ago under an e-mail I no longer use. I'm back because instructing an EMR course reminded me of how important it is to stay up on your info and have good discussions with other providers. Hope to help out anyone new to the field, too! -Mark
  4. K

    A history of Anxiety/depression

    MM, Can you clarify what it is you're going to school for (Basic/Medic) and what it is you're applying to? Fire dept? Governmental/private/third service? You mention something being your backup if you're not accepted as a Navy Corpsman, but I'm not sure people know what you're referring to...
  5. K

    18 firefighters dead- Yarnell (Phoenix)

    Terrible They were some young guys, too. The northern part of this state is beautiful but I can't imagine how fast those fires must move. I know there are other 100 Clubs out there but the one for AZ is located at From their site: “The 100 Club of Arizona has set up a...