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  1. R

    Taking my NREMT PM Skills exam Saturday.. not a medic so the meds part is beyond my knowledge...but all the bls looks good...
  2. R

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Walked out of the testing center yesterday feeling very dejected..i was absolutely sure I failed... I got this today... Exam Date: 4/23/2014 (CST) Results Date: 4/24/2014 (CST) Examination Scored Congratulations on successfully earning your national EMS certification. Certification...
  3. R

    Taking my NREMT PM Skills exam Saturday..

    fire away man...i'm willing to give you any help i can lend you. where i am...Pennsylvania..our protocols differ from I stuck with my local can write it down on your glove..or on a notepad..when i took my bp..the pt was normal..i gave the normal reading an my...
  4. R

    Taking my NREMT PM Skills exam Saturday..

    followed the medical scenario sheet..orally treated everything that was introduced by my evaluator. I did perform my vitals of bp but I was given pulse, respiration and skin ctc...i had an angina pt who was indicating signs of shock..and who had chewed about ten nitro pills from an expired...
  5. R

    Philadelphia EMS

    I should say the city wants to replace all Rescue Squads that have two paramedics with one medic and one emt to spread out their available resources...understandably the union is against this while the city says its not really necessary to send out two medics on 65% of the calls...thoughts?
  6. R

    Just took the NREMT B test.

    I'm taking the cbt in two weeks...any tips on the topics that are stressed the most? I was told OB/Gyn is a big one and surprisingly EMS OPS...
  7. R

    Taking my NREMT PM Skills exam Saturday..

    thanks man...BTW...I passed the skills today. It was challenging..not as hard as I expected...I actually credit that to my program.
  8. R

    Who's still routinely c-spining?

    We were taught to cspine everyone until we knew definitively that they didn't need it..even then they said..put a collar on them. most of the medics that i talk to all say..''when you are out in the real world, forget that :censored::censored::censored::censored:."
  9. R

    Pocket mask vs BVM

    I just finished up emt school on march 27th and i can say all they talk about is pocket masks...they make you do a skill station cpr/aed with a pocket mask...they stress that its hard to get a good seal with a one person bvm--but bvm for an apneic patient skill station you are a one man...
  10. R

    Taking my NREMT PM Skills exam Saturday..

    wish me some luck..any advice on not losing my head at the wrong time would help too!
  11. R

    Test Score?

    can someone tell me how many times one can take the test if you fail previous times or do you get an unlimited amount of times to attempt to pass? EMT-B test that is...
  12. R

    beginning an EMTBasic Course in September

    forgive my ignorance...What is A&P? agreed..decided to skip the cpr and stuff right now--and wait for my class..thanks for the response.
  13. R

    Fire Based EMS

    Not sure what is better..but where i am located the medics are out busting their butts every damn minute..its a very busy metro area and while all the firefighters are FF/EMT the paramedics hired by the city are the ones who really bust it...most FF rather be FF than FF/EMTs so they try to avoid...
  14. R

    beginning an EMTBasic Course in September

    if you don't mind me asking..are you moving into being an EMT full time and leaving the programming world or is this a part time gig for you?
  15. R

    School and Work

    I'm not in the same boat as you...i was recently laid off from a job of 12 years...for about the last 2 years of the job i hated sucked and i couldn't wait to get out..the money kept me there though--until they forced me to took me about a month of not working to realize that...
  16. R

    beginning an EMTBasic Course in September

    any suggestions on the best book to be prepared? It starts in september but I am really motivated to do well and want a head start. thanks for all your input.
  17. R

    beginning an EMTBasic Course in September

    I'm preparing by taking a CPR course for healtcare pro's and a first air course also..what else should I be brushing up on? I will preface my question by saying I am going into this inexperienced as I am a previously laid off IT professional...My goal is to be an EMT then a Paramedic with the...