Search results

  1. M

    Transitioning from unrelated career to EMT/Paramedic?

    I am 33 and just finished EMT basic in the spring and I am now in my first semester of medic school, so I too am a lot like you because I decided I wanted a career that meant something and not just a number at a factory job or something. I work as a ER Tech and a local hospital while going...
  2. M

    State Certification Status

    Talk to a friend today and she submitted hers on June 3rd and got hers today so they are moving pretty fast it seems but I did mine the the 3rd and paid on the 5th and have not got mine tho.
  3. M

    State Certification Status

    I submitted mine on June 5th and have not received mine yet either. I called and them on the 18th and they told me they are behind and still working on the week of May 13th apps. So at that rate it seems like it will be a another few weeks for me which stinks because I need a job and start...
  4. M

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    about 110 questions but I passed!!
  5. M

    where to look if I passed the NREMT?

    Thank you sir! I was thinking there had to be a message or something to let me know, I apparently clicked the wrong link and couldn't find
  6. M

    where to look if I passed the NREMT?

    Ok Im sorry I found the right link...I
  7. M

    where to look if I passed the NREMT?

    so if no registry # you failed or does it tell you that you failed? I have one and it says expires 3/31/2015 so Im good? cause im sweating bullets here! haha :blink:
  8. M

    where to look if I passed the NREMT?

    Hey new guy here, I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I did a search and Im still unclear where to look for the NREMT results and what it should say? Again sorry if this has been answered but I didn't find a clear answer...thanks in advance!