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  1. E

    EMR Day Pay Rate

    That's for a "new" EMR. What about an EMR with 2 years? Just curious : )
  2. E

    EMR Day Pay Rate

    Does anyone know what the starting day pay rate for Registered EMR's as an Oil Field Medic might be? Specifically in AB and BC. thanks! : )
  3. E

    I am new here . . .

    thanks everyone! Hello again everyone! Thank you Engineered for the info. Yeah my husband worked at the Oil Rigs, he could not BELIVE how many of the men smoked . . . and still were able to work and keep up their energy to work. I have booked my courses as follows: Standard EMR - April, EMR...
  4. E

    I am new here . . .

    thank you! LOL! so FireFite and TitMouse (LOL!) what made you two want to work in the Emergency Care Field? :)
  5. E

    I am new here . . .

    well hello there! thank you.... oh thank you so much for answering me Medic Tim : ) I really appreciate you offering your wisdom...please be warned I am the woman with 1 million questions; but HEY if you dont ask you dont know right?! :P I am a tad nervous re: starting my course . . . I...
  6. E

    I am new here . . .

    Hello everyone, I have recently purchased my EMR Course...taking it in April. I live in BC. I am looking to work as an Oil Field Services EMR/First Aid/Medic. Is anyone here from AB or BC? Any tips? anyone entering into / or already in the same field I am headed for? I have always been one...