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  1. dalman97

    NREMT Pass!!!

    Thanks Pete! I'm going through the National EMS Academy in Beaumont, which is a branch of UTHSCSA. I can't give up my current job to make basic wages while in the medic program. So I plan to volunteer at my local ems whenever I can. Which won't be much, especially after the class starts. Any...
  2. dalman97

    NREMT Pass!!!

  3. dalman97

    NREMT Pass!!!

    I hear it can be tough...but I really do love medicine. As long as I'm intrigued by the info... I'll have no problem retaining it. The only part that truly worries me about medic school is when it's time to throw all the clinical hours in the mix... with class and 30 hrs of work, I may go crazy...
  4. dalman97

    NREMT Pass!!!

    Thanks... I assume you're referring to medic school.
  5. dalman97

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    NREMT-B ... around 60/70 ... pass!
  6. dalman97

    NREMT Pass!!!

    Hey! It's been since before even starting the basic program that I posted here. Been lurking a bit though, when I had questions. Took my exam yesterday and my goodness I thought I failed for sure! There were a few I don't remember even seeing in my text book and trust me I read all 1500 pages of...
  7. dalman97

    SURVEY: How many moving traffic violations have you received in your life?

    My moving violation was for an at fault fender bender. I'm 34 and that happened 2 years ago. I have been pulled over many times for different things, speeding, tags, etc.... just lucky i guess.
  8. dalman97

    Pox vaccine...

    Thanks vene... that's all the info I needed, very informative. I didn't know it was actually NOT recommended after having had it. It will also save me 150 bucks =)
  9. dalman97

    Pox vaccine...

    Vericella vaccine is a requirement for emt school. If I had a pretty bad case of the pox as a child, is it still recommended? I know that it isn't required with documented proof. BUT is it likely that I can still contract shingles without it? I have no problems with vaccinations, its a...
  10. dalman97

    Paramedic to RN bridge?

    This is the part that I'm scared of too lol... prepare, prepare, prepare!!! Good luck to you and do let us know how things are going =)
  11. dalman97

    Advance in paramedicine...

    Yeah I see were that could be a problem :rofl:
  12. dalman97

    Advance in paramedicine...

    Haha... you guys crack me up. For the record... if glamour is what I was after, I'm fairly certain I could get more creative than EMS.
  13. dalman97

    Advance in paramedicine...

    thanks for the heads up
  14. dalman97

    Advance in paramedicine...

    Umm... you could have kept these stats to yourself lol. Nah ... about the same risk you take behind the wheel of a car. When it's your time to go... as long as it's quick and I'm guessing that would be pretty quick!
  15. dalman97

    Advance in paramedicine...

    Ok, thanks... If I fall in love with it like I think I will I doubt I'll be able to go into nursing. Unless of course, the pay is just starving us and I doubt it's that bad :unsure:
  16. dalman97

    Paramedic to RN bridge?

    Check out ... it's a forum with TONS of info and excelsior is a big topic there too.
  17. dalman97

    Advance in paramedicine...

    OMG I would definitely LOVE that. That would be the ultimate, to be a flight medic for sure!
  18. dalman97

    Advance in paramedicine...

    Then there's flight medic and instructor as someone pointed out. So we shall see... I still have 2 years before I'm licensed. Btw for those wondering why I hadn't considered a traditional nursing program. It is because I must continue to work my current day job and there would be no way for me...
  19. dalman97

    Advance in paramedicine...

    Well, my original plan is to bridge to nursing after I become licensed. I posted this question because I have a feeling my personality best fits that of a medic. I am very passionate about it. My heart races every time I see an ambulance now lol silly I know. But bottom line is... I am doing...