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  1. lsmft

    Straight to advanced airway on code?

    Yeah, but a BVM with 15+lmp gives ~100% o2, I fail to see how an NRB with essentially the lowest form of blowby could even come close. Not to mention when you take dead space into consideration, there is hardly any alveolar vent from compressions. Yeah, sure, it's adequate if you're solo. But...
  2. lsmft

    Straight to advanced airway on code?

    I definitely agree! I guess my title was very misleading, and I left out the fairly important detail that we had 5 emts on scene. Cardiac was fully taken care of, and we still had 2 people just for airway before we packaged them. Protocol in that case says to pop in the npa/opa and give breaths...
  3. lsmft

    Straight to advanced airway on code?

    Sorry, I guess I should have been more clear, I definitely agree with everything you've said so far. But in a multi-provider scene, when you've already got someone on compressions, and they've just gone agonal or apnetic due to the arrest, obviously if you're not already transporting you're...
  4. lsmft

    Straight to advanced airway on code?

    Definitely assuming we got 2 in the back if transport. Otherwise yeah it is pointless to go advanced unless the adjunct can't do the job.
  5. lsmft

    Straight to advanced airway on code?

    I'm just wondering if you all have any thoughts on this rather narrow series of events: Say you're on scene, pt's airway is patent and have gag, and either while transporting or on scene they code and or lose their airway. Personally I feel it is a waste of time to drop an npa/opa especially if...
  6. lsmft

    Nasal Narcan

    What's your guys' max dose out there? Here if you give the 1mg/nare you'd need MCEP to authorize another 0.4 IV/SC. Hate to have them come out punching, which is why I like more controlled doses. Although I guess I'm going off the assumption your protocols are 1mg/nare as well.
  7. lsmft

    Vaccines required to work in EMS?

    Here it is: Tdap, or Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis separately. MMR Varicella or titers drawn within a year. Hep B Tuberculin every year. Flu every year. and Hep A is encouraged to have.
  8. lsmft

    First ride-along experience was odd..

    Wireless internet. The frequency of the microwaves from a poorly shielded cheap microwave can certainly mess with a crappy wireless router.
  9. lsmft

    CPR when its not needed

    Sounds like a good idea to me. Should probably be taught in the health class most high schools have. Hopefully the worst thing that could happen is they give inadequate compression... Although, if they're trying to teach them BLS or whatever, hyperventilating, or blowing into the stomach...
  10. lsmft

    Paramedic Textbook???

    Well, I don't want to rustle and feathers. But the main difference between medic and emt-I is scope. Beyond cardio and drugs there isn't much that's new. So of course a lot of medic books will have what is essentially mostly review. You might be better off getting some med school level cardio...
  11. lsmft

    Paramedic Textbook???

    I have the 3rd and 4th edition Mosby's paramedic books. I guess they're not for everyone but I personally think they are fine books, albeit a little bit expensive. It is more about preference than anything. My advice would be to go to a med schools library or university book store and read...
  12. lsmft

    CPR when its not needed

    Only two minutes!? Man, in my class we had to do 5 minutes solo, then another ten minutes as a tag team. It sucked, but I guess I do feel prepared to actually give CPR. No one ever wants to count though.