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  1. T

    Bringing down healthcare costs so easy...

    Thought he was joking at first. Unfortunately, he's not. Would make a great clip on The Colbert Report, though!
  2. T

    What to expect for EMT-I classes?

    Yes, in fact the EMT-B course I'm enrolled in requires two semesters of Anatomy & Physiology. So any prior knowledge would definitely help ^_^
  3. T

    "Sho Yano, Uiversity of Chicago Student, To Become Youngest M.D. in History"

    Had a longer reply typed up and it did not go through. So. I agree, if the only reason you don't let him treat you is based on a number, then yes it's discrimination, however; if you don't let him treat you because you personally do not feel he is an experienced and competent physician and AGE...
  4. T

    EMTLIFE is addictive...

    Lol. Google had another product they pushed really hard for a while, then they finally gave up on it. Can't quite remember what it was, but I'd hate to see Google+ fail too, although it seems inevitable.
  5. T

    Do you eat well?

    I usually "try" to eat healthy. No fast food or anything. But I'm a vegetarian for the most part, so I have a hard time feeling full and therefore eat too many rice cakes :). I went on a Paleo/Low-carb diet for a few months and lost 40lbs. Not sure how I did it since I can't seem to eat meat...
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    EMTLIFE is addictive...

    Sadly so! By the way, Fourloko, I like your name, shame they discontinued you :sad:
  7. T

    How old were you?

    Well, I'll be an EMT-B in 6-8 months. Paramedic 21-23 months from now, if all goes well :unsure:
  8. T


    Well, I almost majored in Psychology.... Until I took it in college and realized it was not my thing :). I'm not working in the EMS field 'yet' but I'm sure it would be of great benefit to have a psychological understanding of patients actions/conditions, as it does in most professions that...
  9. T

    "Sho Yano, Uiversity of Chicago Student, To Become Youngest M.D. in History"

    I agree with age being a determining factor of maturity. While it definitely varies, I'm sure we've all known some younger people who are more mature than some older folks (that can be applied to any situation, not just age = maturity), but in general, age determines maturity. Not letting him...