Search results

  1. K

    The WORST job

    I just quit my first full-time EMS job after 7 days... It was like moving in next door to the Beverly Hillibillies (not the house in California, but the neighborhood they left). My boss (who was also my partner) was the biggest male cheauvinist I've ever met in my life...we ran about 12 calls...
  2. K

    Good to be back

    Hey all, long time no see! It's been pretty hectic the last few months, I'm now working at two EMS services and volunteering at a third, plus I was going to "I" school. But it's all done now and I have new letters behind my name :-) Glad to be back among the land of the living, so to speak.
  3. K

    Anyone using capnography?

    I was curious as to whether any of your depts are currently using capnography for anything other than the colormetric stuff used to verify ET tube placement? I'm told we've had the equipment to do it on our trucks for about a year, but are just beginning to implement it as a diagnostic tool...
  4. K

    Oops, wrong door!

    The first call I ever went on after I joined EMS was of course a code red respiratory(nothing like easing into things, right?) Anyway, I was with two medics, my shift captain and our EMS director. We got an airway established and as I was bagging her, and my captain was analyzing her EKG, so...
  5. K

    Hey All

    Hi guys (and gals!) Another newbie here, just got my certs a few weeks ago and I'm really excited to be starting out in EMS. Great to find a forum like this - sometimes I think people who don't run calls in the middle of the night or see the things you see in EMS understand what it's like. :)